Berceni town, on the red stage. Afumați, Copăceni and Mogoșoaia exceeded 1.5 cases per thousand inhabitants


The town of Berceni in Ilfov county, located near Bucharest, entered the red stage as of Saturday, at 20:00, as a result of exceeding the contagion rate with the new coronavirus of 3 per thousand inhabitants, announced the representatives of the Prefecture.

Likewise, the communes of Afumați, Copăceni and Mogoșoaia enter the yellow scenario, here the incidence rate exceeds 1.5 per thousand inhabitants, but is less than 3.

However, the infection rate in Berceni is 3.31 per thousand inhabitants.

The Ilfov County Committee for Emergency Situations met in extraordinary session and adopted, for a period of 14 days, the following measures to be applied in Berceni:

  • The use of a protective mask that covers the nose and mouth is mandatory for all people who have reached the age of 5 in all open public spaces;
  • The organization and development of the activity within the cinemas of the entertainment and / or concert institutions is prohibited;
  • The activity with the public of the economic operators that carry out activities of preparation, marketing and consumption of food and / or alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, such as restaurants and cafes, inside the buildings is prohibited;
  • the activity of restaurants and cafes within hotels, pensions or other accommodation units is allowed only for people staying within these units;
  • Activity with the public of authorized economic operators in the field of gambling is prohibited;
  • Teaching activities that presuppose face-to-face presence are temporarily suspended, from educational units scenario 3 is applied (participation of all preschoolers and students in online activities / lessons).

Valid measures in Afumați, Copăceni, Mogoșoaia

In the commune smoked, the rate is 1.53 per thousand inhabitants in the commune Copăceni – 1.71, and in the commune Mogosoaia – 1.65, applying accordingly the measures provided for in GD no. 856 of October 14, for a period of 14 days, starting on Saturday, at 8:00 p.m.

In the three administrative-territorial units it is allowed to organize and carry out the activity within cinemas, stage institutions and / or concerts, with the participation of the public up to 30% of the maximum space capacity, the activity with the public of economic operators that carry out activities of preparation, marketing and consumption of food and / or alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, such as restaurants and cafeterias, is allowed inside buildings, without exceeding 30% of the maximum capacity of the space and between 6:00 and 23:00, the activity of restaurants and cafes within hotels, pensions or other accommodation units is allowed, without exceeding 30% of the maximum capacity of the space and between 6 : 00 and 23:00; It is allowed to prepare food and sell food and alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages that are not consumed in the respective spaces.

At the same time, activity with the public of licensed economic operators in the field of gambling is allowed, without exceeding 30% of the maximum capacity of the space, it is mandatory to wear a protective mask, to cover the nose and mouth, for all people who have reached the age of 5, present in open public spaces, such as markets, fairs, waiting areas (bus stations and the like), areas where public celebrations or pilgrimages are held , the exterior of tourist attractions, pedestrian shopping areas and in the vicinity of educational institutions up to a distance of 50 m from the entrance to the school perimeter.

Organizing and conducting drive-ins, as well as organizing and holding open-air shows, concerts, public and private festivals or other cultural events is prohibited.
