Bendeac, on the verge of survival: I ate flour with water in the oven with a screwdriver and hammer


Mihai Bendeac spoke about one of the most difficult periods in her life. The actor related the moments that had to happen.

“I went to the castings, I didn’t take any. I had finished college and I was considered good, I played at the Comedy Theater. That summer, I was hungry because I didn’t want to ask my people for money, I lied to them that I had, that my father said to me “what are you going to do with this university?”. (…) As June approached and I knew the season was coming to an end – we were taking a million and a half – two million on the show – I started saving money.

When summer started I had not taken any casting and I realized that I had 14 million for three months. I took some leaves and started making a list of how to survive that summer. It was a chain of hypermarkets where they were cheaper products and they had an area with products that were close to their expiration date. I was shopping there. We take a lot of bread. He was a red Parisian, without a label, no one was responsible for him. This is how I spent the whole summer, “said Mihai Bendeac, in a podcast made by Micutzu on his YouTube channel” Micutzu Stand-up Official “.

See also: Bendeac, condition for iUmor producers: I had a very clear understanding! I say it publicly!

“I ate flour with water in the oven with a screwdriver and a hammer”

“It just caught our eye then. The movie was called “Weekend Millionaire”. It had been a long time and I hadn’t taken my money. I had two more days until I got the money. I ate the last piece of Parisian and Andi Vasluianu called me: “Well, you see, they won’t give us the money tomorrow.”. He had the feeling he had reached the ground floor instantly. And I say, “Oh, and when do they give it to us?” And he says “Friday”. Last night, I ate flour with water in the oven, which I ate with a screwdriver and hammer, because it had no yeast. We were eating those crumbsMihai Bendeac also said.

See also: Bendeac, Netflix series about Ceausescu: an extraordinary action movie
