Beat the beauty of Health! Traian Băsescu made her an offer on television: ‘If Tătaru fires her, I will hire her in my office, even though I still have 3 women’ – Source news


Codruța Filip, the top model singer who got a job at the Health Ministry, but about whom Nelu Tătaru said she did not have an employment contract, also attracted the attention of Traian Băsescu. The former president announced that he will hire Codruța Filip in his MEP office, if Nelu Tătaru fires her from the ministry.

“I’m hiring this woman in my office, even though I still have three women,” Basescu announced Friday night.

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“If the Minister of Health rejects this girl, I will hire her in my office as a member of the European Parliament. She disgusts me. Just because she is beautiful, to kick her out? Yo, brothers, if they ended up refusing to graduate from” Alexandru Ioan Cuza “, ¿ what about the idiots of Parliament who have diplomas in Chisinau and other faculties? Tell the brothers, bogdaproste, that you have been a state employee! I am outraged that they expelled a 24 year old just because he looks good, you understand “If Tataru fires her, I will hire this woman in my office, although I have three more women. I am hiring her as a beginner,” stated Traian Băsescu on România TV.

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