Basescu, hard attack on the “irresponsible of Cotroceni” and the “cheerful unconscious of Victoria”: “I push things forward, without a trace of pity for some poor people who will be safe victims” – Politics


Former President Traian Basescu launches a harsh attack on President Klaus Iohannis and Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, saying that he is sacrificing a people, “in search of popularity and votes, without scruples, without mercy for some poor who will be sure victims” . He argues that if the “irresponsible two” are to hold parliamentary elections on December 6, measures such as closing kindergartens, schools and universities or closing theaters, cinemas, shopping center restaurants and minimizing public transportation should be taken immediately.

Basescu accuses, in a message posted on Facebook on Monday night, that, “in the search for popularity and votes, the two irresponsible senior officials push things forward, unscrupulously, without a trace of pity for some poor who will be victims safe “.

The former president assures that, in the midst of the pandemic, they have reopened cinemas, theaters, restaurants, schools and organized two electoral rounds, and during this time, SARS-COV-2 reaps dozens of lives every day, sickens thousands of Romanians who They fill hospitals and ATI Sections.

He points out that the health system is on edge and, no matter how much equipment is purchased, there are no qualified medical personnel, a lack of medicines necessary to treat COVID-19 has begun to be felt, and medical personnel are physically exhausted.

  • “Why all this? Because the irresponsible Cotroceni and the cheerful unconscious Victoria, have the impression that they are” on the wave “of popular sympathy that must be capitalized, in their mind, even with the sacrifice of life and health of the elderly, children or those with other diseases.
  • If the two irresponsible people want to hold the elections on December 6, fine, but action must be taken immediately to limit the spread of the disease, ”says Băsescu.

In his opinion, the following measures should be taken:

  • immediate closure of theaters, cinemas, shopping center restaurants;
  • immediate closure of kindergartens, schools and universities;
  • Most of the officials of ministries, government agencies, municipalities, private companies, multinationals go to the solution of “work from home”;
  • minimize public transportation;
  • wearing a mask becomes mandatory both indoors and outdoors;
  • prohibition of any public event in which more than 6 people participate;
  • limit access to agri-food markets;
  • mass testing of the population, not just those who already have symptoms.
  • “If such measures are not taken urgently, we will soon have a collapsed medical system and the pandemic will wreak havoc on the population, which will pay the bill for two irresponsible people.”
  • Iohannis and Orban must take urgent action. Otherwise, for Iohannis and Orban and NLP, the date of December 6 will be “a bridge too far”. PS- Sometimes, in crisis situations, the leaders of a country have to do what they have to do and not what the population wants. Political leaders must seek solutions in times of crisis. When all is well, you hardly need them. That’s! “, Băsescu adds.
