Banned in schools in preparation for students and teachers suffering from chronic diseases or living with people over 65 (project) – Education


Students and teachers who are chronically ill or coexist with people who are chronically ill or over 65 years of age are prohibited from participating in preparatory activities that will resume in schools once the measures imposed during the emergency period are relaxed. . Sample in the project proposed by the National Institute of Public Health.

According to the document, access to schools is only allowed with the use of protective masks, classes will not exceed 3 hours. In addition, during school activities it is mandatory to wear a protective mask, and the temperature will be verified at the entrance.

Prevention and protection measures proposed by the INSP during training activities for final grade students (8th, 12th and 13th), as well as during the organization of national assessments and high school exams:

  • 1. The preparation activity will be organized in groups that will include a maximum of 10 students and will not last more than 3 hours, with a break of at least 10 minutes every hour, to ventilate the rooms.
  • 2. The participation of students and teaching or auxiliary personnel suffering from chronic diseases, living with people suffering from such diseases or people over 65 years of age is prohibited in training activities.
  • 3. The students mentioned in point 2 will benefit from an alternative form of training.
  • 4. The breaks will be scheduled so that at the same time there are no more than 2 groups of a maximum of 10 students each.
  • 5. Before the preparation / examination activities begin, in the spaces where they will be carried out, the surfaces will be disinfected with biocidal substances based on chlorine or alcohol, and then the room will be ventilated for a period of at least 30 minutes.
  • 6. Access within the school will be done only after disinfecting the hands, verifying the temperature (which must not exceed 37) and subject to the absence of respiratory virus symptoms.
  • 7. During school activities, both students and teachers will wear a simple medical mask or a non-medical mask made of various textile materials, and students will be placed on benches so that they have at least one space. free left and right and a free row forward and back.
  • 8. Disposal of masks worn by students and teachers will be done in specially designed locations.
  • 9. The examination activity will be carried out in accordance with all the measures presented above, without the need to grant breaks.
