Bankruptcy in CFR Cluj? What happened in court today?


Today, there was a deadline in a lawsuit that the Gruia group has with the former technical sponsor, Joma. More, the bankruptcy of the club was demanded!

Teodor Luca, director of Joma Romania, confirmed the information for GSP.RO and explained what his company’s problems are with Dan Petrescu’s team.

It is true that I filed the bankruptcy of CFR Cluj in court, for breach of the provisions of the contract signed in May 2017, for a period of four plus four years.. It is true that today there was a deadline in the Specialized Court of Cluj, but the trial of the case was postponed because the lawyers requested in the Superior Court of Cassation and Justice, the transfer of the case to another competent court. The disappointment is that I found out once again that the CFR Cluj folks don’t deliver on their promises. If they respected me, I wouldn’t end up in this situation.

In May 2017, following the promises made by the owner of the club, I signed the documents by which I desisted from the process by which I asked the CFR Cluj more than 500,000 euros, as contractual damages, following the 2010-2016 contract. I believed in the promises of those there, only for them to come out of insolvency and not be compromised by the investment of more than 5.5 million euros, paying the debts of that time, “Teodor Luca told Gazeta Sportulor.

“We got to the lawyers”

I repeat, 3 years ago I signed the document waiving the payment of half a million euros, provided that a contract is signed and it is carried out for a period of 4 + 4 years, so that during this time we try to recover part of the amount requested in court on that date. Unfortunately, I only received broken promises. I kept all my promises, written or discussed.

The people there have not made payments since October 2019, and during this time I only received promises. He always passed it on to the owner, but he doesn’t seem to understand that everything in this world is governed by the law of the boomerang effect: you do good, you get good, you do bad, you get bad!

Joma claims the bankruptcy of CFR Cluj

After the period in which I had no dialogue with them and seeing that they signed with another technical partner, although they did not terminate the contract with us, I regretted having gotten to the words of my attorneys who told me that the CFR Cluj would not keep their promises and that we would go to court.

So early September 2020 We have declared bankruptcy and we are requesting the amounts owed, penalties for delay and unilateral termination clauses, worth more than 370,000 euros, to which amounts of the same value with damages will be added, according to the clauses of this contract “added the representative of the Joma company.

I’m very sorry that people just promise and don’t keep their promises. When they had the knife to the bone, they received a helping hand. But they mocked our humanity
-Teodor Luca

PHOTO Spectacular images of Djurgarden – CFR Cluj 0-1


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