Banerban Nicolae thundered and flashed after Orban announced that the state of alert would be declared: ‘Everything is done with hatred and resentment’ – Source News


Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announced Thursday that a state of alert would be declared: “Nothing will prevent us from making all the necessary decisions to continue facing the challenge.” PSD Senator Erban Nicolae does not like the Prime Minister’s decision, saying the measures cannot be taken and announced overnight.

Ludovic Orban Announces GEO 21 AMENDMENT on Alertness in Romania: to Chair Emergency Situations Committee

“We don’t know what measures they are going to consider, we don’t know what restrictions they want to impose, what will be the application, the graduation, the proportionality in relation to the benefit of protecting the right to life and health of the population.” It makes me reluctant to make judgments … what to talk about. I don’t think Orban himself knows what he’s talking about. He said some things in general, but he has been saying it for two months: that they know what they have to do, that they have taken measures, that they are ready and seen. He did things very badly and abuse was often committed. (…) Only sanctioning measures are taken. Everything is done with hatred and resentment due to incompetence and irresponsibility and everything starts from Cotroceni. The arrogance and infatuation displayed by the rulers, led by Klaus Iohannis, worsen the COVID-19 crisis, “said banerban Nicolae on Antena3.
