Bad news: Through the new strain, the coronavirus seems to have found a way to avoid previous antibodies. The good news is that our immune system is “extraordinarily capable” – Coronavirus


Previous coronavirus infection may have provided less protection against the new South African strain, the scientists said, adding that they hope the vaccines will work against the new Sars-Cov-2 variant, Reuters reports.

Studies also show that the new variant sticks more easily and strongly to human cells, which explains why it appears to spread 50% faster than previous versions, explained South African epidemiologist Salim Abdool Karim.

“Studies on convalescent serum suggest that natural antibodies are less effective, but current data indicates that the new variant is not more severe (as effects),” he said.

“We have reason to be concerned that the virus has found a way around the above antibodies,” said Alex Sigal, a virologist at the Africa Health Research Institute.

“The world has underestimated the virus. The virus can evolve, it adapts to us,” he added.

On the other hand, the South African researchers explained that since the vaccines induce a broad-spectrum immune response, mutations in the spike protein are unlikely to reverse their effect.

“Our immune system is extremely capable,” said researcher Willem Hanekom.

“Other parts of the immune system could compensate for vaccines to keep working,” he added.
