Bad news about actor Bogdan Stanoevich. His lungs are almost completely affected.


On December 24, Bogdan Stanoevici was replaced by “St. Pantelimon ”of the Capital, and is currently hospitalized at the Heart Institute. There, the life of the former minister is in the hands of the team coordinated by Prof. Dr. Serban Bubenek.

The next period is critical

According to sources from Gâ, Bogdan Stanoevici underwent extracorporeal oxygenation, a delicate intervention, performed by the ECMO procedure, in order to put his lungs in total rest for a period of 7 to 15 days.

“These two weeks are critical, but the doctors hope that the affected lungs will work almost completely again. He is still in serious condition,” revealed medical sources.

Bogdan Stanoevici was intubated on December 16, in serious condition, and two days later he was transferred to the ATI department, where he was also diagnosed with a nosocomial infection.

In early November, Bogdan Stanoevici stated that he was not wearing a protective mask against coronavirus infection because he was “healthy.” He claimed that he had a monthly anti-COVID test and all came back negative.

“To avoid further speculation and unnecessary attacks, I tell you now: the fact that I do not use a mask is mainly because I am healthy. And here I quote the Minister of Health, who said that the mask is used by sick people, healthy people they don’t use it.

I did a test every month, for different reasons. All negative. On the other hand, I used it where I was forced to, because I am a law abiding person and I have herpes. I’m really sorry to get you out of the house, but the moment I put the mask on, an infection occurs and I really don’t have time for infections at the moment, “Bogdan Stanoevici said, according to Agerpres.
