Back forever. A World Bank study shows that a child born today in Romania will lose more than 40 percent of their potential


A World Bank study shows that a child born in Romania today will reach only 58% of their productivity potential in adulthood. that is, it will be more than 40% below what it should be. This will be reflected in the income you will earn, in the quality of your adult life and later in your children through what you offer them. Children are also passed on a social inheritance, not just genetics.

And the worst thing is that this indicator is deteriorating. Ten years ago it was a little higher, at 60%.

In isolation, this percentage may seem artificial. Because it is abstract and we are tempted to look at specific cases. But it wants to reflect a general state. And average. Because we have exceptional children who end up working in large groups in high positions. Its potential is also exceeded. But we also have a large mass of children with no possibilities who survive in villages isolated from agriculture and who reach … 5% of the potential! The percentage is random, just to illustrate the real situation.

How Romania loses human capital

Human capital does not have the possibility to develop properly and are economic, educational and health factors.

This potential is calculated according to the school years, according to the life expectancy in Romania and we are the ones who suffer the most for them. A shorter life expectancy means fewer years of activity, so that man does not achieve all that he could give.

There are also qualitative and quantitative criteria. The study shows that the percentage of 15-year-olds who will survive to age 60 is only 88%, compared to 93% in France or 95% in Sweden.

But it is only from education that the difference begins: school dropout in our country and its continuation, functional illiteracy. The World Bank estimates that a child in Romania benefits from only 8.4 years of learning, on average. It means the lack of more than three years of education in this Bank index, which takes into account not only the duration of studies, but also the quality of learning. Practically, socially, entire generations are unfinished!

What does the child mean for the families of the town and the city

Again, we must see the whole, not the individual cases that we know in our circle. Because that old plaque of the two Romanians appears. The birth rates in underprivileged blankets are higher, while those with high incomes have fewer heirs. And there are multiple reasons, from culture, selfishness, to the child’s perspective.

In rural society, the child also has a trait of production factor – help at work, while in the environment, let’s say a little emancipated, it is only one cost. And the father avoids having much higher costs. I mean many children.

The problems start with education and health. There, the lack of concern, of investments, of inclusion programs generates such a sad situation.
