AUR MP. Dacopatul. General. Bodyguard. Rhapsody. Denier. The message: “Let’s eradicate the dirt”


The dice have been rolled and the Romanian Parliament will receive a new electoral stretch of deputies and senators. The surprise of the elections is the new political party Alliance for the Union of Romanians (AUR), which obtained almost 9% of the number of votes cast. The party, almost unknown until now, founded a year ago and almost non-existent in terms of political relevance in the local elections held less than 3 months ago, will be represented, for the first time, in the Senate and in the Chamber of Deputies. From the list of GOLD candidates in eligible seats, we find controversial, nostalgic, vocal or simply colorful figures, announcing a fierce 2020-2024 parliamentary session.

In addition to Co-Chairs George Simion and Claudiu Târziu (a founding member of the CpF who coordinated the campaign to amend the 2018 Constitution) or the new AUR new media star, the party’s entry into Parliament brings to the forefront of politics. apparently politically dead. resurrected by this electoral shock.

The joy of a GOLD supporter after the 2020 parliamentary elections. Photo: Inquam Photos / Sabin Cîrstoveanu

Thus, the figure of General Mircea (or Mircia, as it appears on his official Facebook page) Chelaru, former chief of staff of the Romanian army in 2000, began to sound on the political radar.

Chelaru was transferred to the reserve in 2001, a few days after participating, as an active duty soldier, in a controversial commemoration of former Marshal Ion Antonescu.

“No Jews in Romania went to the Nazi camps,” Mircea Chelaru said at the time.

A rather obliterated political career followed (PUNR chairman, Codrin Ștefănescu’s party colleague in Dan Voiculescu’s former Conservative Party), offset by a much more prodigious career on television (appearances on sensational OTV programs of the 2000s and 2000). later in other Venetian posts, in which he discussed, among other things, the secret links between the army, science and religion)

Spring in time: in 2020, Chelaru is reborn from her own ashes and occupies the first (eligible) place for the Chamber of Deputies in Argeș. Wearing a Dacian hat and wrapped in a tricolor, Chelaru gives voice to his political ambitions.

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“We are not going to Parliament to take seats. We are going to Parliament to evict those who have desecrated them. Let’s do this rooting out of the filth, ”said the former Romanian army chief of staff.

In the GOLD Buzău list in the Chamber of Deputies we find in the first place another general, Nicolae Roman, a hero in the conception of GOLD, or a still shameful stain on the face of Romania, according to the portal of the Memorial of the Revolution of 1989 where Roman appears on the list. bloodied from Timisoara.

Another former military officer, Reserve Lieutenant Colonel Francisc Tobă, probably a future deputy of the Brașov AUR, was indicted in 1999 in the Sibiu Revolution case, a case filed in 2010.

What unites the genius trainer and the fake coin trainer in GOLD

Also in Brasov, the first in the list of senators of the AUR is Florian Colceag, the so-called “genius coach”, who expressed public positions against mandatory vaccination and the fact that “the Church should study the issue of vaccines.”

The list of possible AUR deputies and senators who stood out for anti-vaccination or anti-mask positions, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, also includes Iulian Câcău (Satu Mare) or Mihai Lască (Bihor).

It was noted that Căcău was the leader of a revolt of the dissatisfied in Satu Mare, after the decision to quarantine for a period of 14 days from the town. He now posts anti-vaccine messages on his Facebook page.

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Regarding Lască, eBihoreanul claims that he is a bodyguard investigated by DIICOT in a case related to computer crime and forgery. During a protest against masks in Oradea, Lască declared that the COVID pandemic “is a scam” and offered to stay 48 hours in a room with patients.

Also, the future Mureş MP will most likely be GOLD member Dan Tanasă, the main actor in the inter-ethnic scandal that took place last year in Valea Uzului.

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Current AUR MP, Former Conservative USR Member, Sexist Commentary Against Women

Antonio Andrușceac, at the top of the GOLD list of the Bacău Chamber of Deputies, will also enter the future Parliament. He was a member of the USR until the summer of this year, considered part of the conservative and Christian Democratic wing.

Antonio Andrușceac is a graduate of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology. He attended Project Management courses at The Open University UK, an online university, according to

According to the description in the CV, Antonio Andrușceac is “a trainer in the fields of Social Assistance, Entrepreneurship and Project Management (Porto / Portugal)”.

Antonio Andrusceac, substitute for AUR
Antonio Andruşceac with the followers of AUR. Photo: Facebook / Antonio Andrusşeac

Antonio Andruşceac has been a founding member of USB (later USR) since 2016. He was also an advisor to USR MP Dumitru Lupescu and a local councilor in Sector 4, Bucharest.

Andrușceac left the USR after a scandal related to his candidacy for local elections, challenged by the pro-Dan Barna camp for sexist comments he made in 2017.

Andrușceac entered the AUR this summer, and the announcement was made on July 21.

Ringo Dămureanu, bodyguard, yogi Dăneasa and rhapsodist Fîciu

We found another bodyguard at the first GOLD post of the Chamber of Deputies in Dolj: Ringo Dămureanu. He declares himself to be the protector of the rights of the security guards, more precisely president of the National Union “Law Enforcement”.

“From now on, I’m waiting for all the heroes to appear after the war !!! (I know the real fighters well)”, declares, with overconfidence, exclamation marks and parentheses, Mr. Ringo Dămureanu after the elections.

On the same day, the police fined Dămureanu for violating the electoral law. The bodyguard-unionist said that he was not fined and that he would file a criminal complaint against the head of the LEI Dolj.

From Suceava, AUR will send to the Senate the painter, sculptor and yogi Mircea Dăneasa, who we found out, from Wikipedia, that he is among the first yoga practitioners in Romania.

Mircea Daneasa-senator-gold-Suceava
Mircea Dăneasa, in his sculpture workshop. Photo: Facebook / Mircea Dăneasa

Dăneasa is not the only artist that AUR will send to the Romanian Parliament.

Nicu Fîciu, popular rhapsody is choice no. 1 of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians on the Gorj deputy lists.

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His hits include “God, what would I leave behind”, “Come on, come on, young man, come on”, “My father told me so, honey” or “The grass is green and thick.”

According to the local press, Nicu Fîciu is subscribed to the public money of the commune of Bustuchin, Gorj county, from where he receives tens of thousands of lei a month for “discovering young talents”. Also, the company controlled by the popular rhapsodist obtained, according to Gorj Online, “45,000 euros for the acquisition of professional sound systems.”

Sorin Lavric, writer and philosopher: “No man looks for elegance, depth or lucidity in women”

Sorin Lavric, 53, is, according to the description on the AUR website, a writer, philosopher, publicist, university professor and chairman of the party’s Senate.

Lavric will be a GOLDEN senator from Neamț.

The future parliamentarian is a regular contributor to literary Romania and has developed along the lines of Constantin Noica’s philosophy, according to Deutsche Welle. He also provided a series of arguments against the use of protective masks: “from the medical point of view they are useless, from the psychological point of view they are mutilating and from the symbolic point of view they are a sign of obedience.”

One of Lavric’s books is called “Decoction of a Woman” and it is a kind of philosophical work on women.

In a passage in the book, the author says: “No man looks for intelligence, depth or lucidity in a woman. Whoever wants philosophy, will not find it in the woman’s head, but will find immersion in the laborious athanor ”.

As for gender ideology, Lavric says “it’s a college sham.”

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“Usually when I talk about it, I mention gender slander or Babylonian gender,” says Lavric.

Another future AUR Member of Parliament is Sorin-Titu Muncaciu, at the top of the list of the Galați Chamber of Deputies. He was a surgeon at Eforie Hospital for almost 10 years, after which he settled in the United States, where he practiced for 20 years.

Muncaciu ran on behalf of the Romanian People’s Party, led by Ninel Peia (former candidate in the 2019 presidential elections), in the Constanța City Council elections in September.

Sorin-Titu Muncaciu delivered an anti-globalist and nationalist speech in which he said, among other things: “If you read the programs of the competing parties, they are all based on the phrase: we will identify, we will, we will carry, we will carry, we will receive. What? European money. We will not receive this money. It is not the intention of the Western corporate banking oligarchy to develop these areas. The reason is simple. If you don’t get European money, your development needs will end up in commercial banks. Commercial banks belong to the Western corporate banking oligarchy and therefore increase their loans.

Editor: Alexandru Costea | Mihnea Lazăr
