AUR announced who it will nominate as prime minister: “Călin Georgescu is a Romanian patriot”


The vice president of the Alliance for the Union of Romanians party, Dorin Lulea, announced this Monday what the GOLD proposal is for the position of prime minister.

Provisional partial results After accounting for more than 95% of the votes cast in the parliamentary elections, it is evident that AUR obtained 8.26% of the votes for the Chamber of Deputies and 8.65% in the Senate.

For this reason, the party founded in September 2019 will arrive at the Cotroceni Palace, in talks with President Klaus Iohannis for the formation of the new Government.

One of the AUR leaders, Dorin Lulea, announced that his nomination for the post of prime minister is Călin Georgescu, “a Romanian patriot.”

“AUR presented its proposal for prime minister of the campaign and we are not going to mislead Romanians. Călin Georgescu is a Romanian patriot who rises to the height of such a position. He is not a member of the party, AUR proposes competent Romanians, regardless of his political condition.”- announced the vice president of AUR on Facebook.

Who is Călin Georgescu, supported by AUR for the post of Prime Minister

According to a site created by followers, respectively “a group of Romanians “, Călin Georgescu is an expert in the field of sustainable development, who worked for 17 years “in the UN system”.

Dr. Călin Georgescu is a recognized international expert in the field of sustainable development. He worked for 17 years in the UN system, holding various positions in the United Nations Development Program, the United Nations Environment Program and the UN Special Rapporteur on Toxic and Hazardous Waste at the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

He also coordinated the National Strategy for Sustainable Development in Romania in 1999 and 2008 and was director of the Department of International Economic Organizations within the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is a member of the International Club of Rome and was president of the Club of Rome European Research Center from 2013 to 2015.

He has written several prospective study books on human development and socio-economic progress in Romania. He also contributed to the chapters on environment and sustainable development in the international strategic reports on Romania. He obtained his doctorate in soil science from the Bucharest University of Agronomic Sciences ”. – displays the cited source.


Călin Georgescu: “Merkel, I think you should dive into a lake”

In an interview broadcast on public television in 2018, Călin Georgescu was asked what he thinks of world leaders.

UN expert on sustainable developmentAs presented by TVR, he claimed that Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany,should dive into a lake because it destroyed the German people. “

On the other hand, Georgescu is an admirer of Donald Trump

Călin Georgescu: “Merkel, I think you should dive into a lake, because it destroyed the German people and it destroyed almost all of Europe. “

Journalist: It is a very hard statement. What were you trusting?

Călin Georgescu: “It is, yes, because that is the reality. First, it is run by large corporations. And so it destroyed the German people. It only has one mission and it doesn’t know what it’s doing. Anyway, I have great compassion for it. Trump I actually think the American people have a great opportunity with Donmald Trump. I mean, I needed a cowboy, I needed a John Wayne, and that’s what makes Trump hard to understand today, but he’s the only one who has started. to tell the truth and confess the truth. He came after one, probably the greatest American catastrophe, Barack Obama, who I think was saved and should have erected a statue of his wife, Michelle Obama. She saved him, she had leadership.
