Atypical pneumonias were actually COVID-19. Coronavirus …


In France, the first coronavirus patient was diagnosed on January 23, but the circulation of COVID-19 was activated more than two weeks later, when five Britons were diagnosed in France on February 8, and then when an outbreak broke out. , with a religious meeting held on February 17 at the Moulhouse. However, the official date to declare the epidemic in France was February 27.

Similarly, in Germany the first case of coronavirus was detected on January 28, but the epidemic began to intensify only in early March. In the United States, where the epidemic was first thought to have spread to Seattle, Chicago and New York, autopsies in California on suspicious deaths in February showed that those people had been infected with Covid-19. in January, long before the official outbreak of the epidemic was declared in the United States.

In China, “patient zero” received medical care on November 17, long before the authorities’ official announcement of a new coronavirus.

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And in Italy, “a strange pneumonia” has been circulating since November. General practitioners say they have had very strange and very serious cases, especially in elderly patients, Dr. Giuseppe Remuzzi, director of the Institute of Research in Pharmacology, Milan, said in late March, two months before they were officially detected. The first cases of COVID-19 in Italy, on January 31 in Rome, and were two Chinese tourists who had already visited many targets in Italy, including the north.

Researchers at a specialized hospital in Milan, who managed to isolate the “Italian version” of the new coronavirus, also said that the microbe was “circulating, unknowingly, weeks before.” “In our jargon, all of these diseases caused by unknown infectious agents are labeled as atypical pneumonia.“Infectious diseases doctor François Bricaire, a member of the French Academy of Medicine, said. He notes that this new coronavirus has appeared in France in the midst of an influenza epidemic, which has complicated matters. Flu cases amid the epidemic, after which cases suddenly increased again, Bricaire noted.

On the other hand, a doctor in Mulhouse, where it is considered to be Covid’s first outbreak, due to an evangelical gathering, says that parishioners, his patients, had had the flu since mid-February. They would have been contaminated before the religious assembly that was later pointed out as the source of infection, and in no case would they have been the first patients in France.

Similar developments have been made in the famous 1918 Spanish flu, with which comparisons are often made. That is, there were three epidemiological phases, at intervals of several months, the first of which was less severe. The 1958 Asian flu, which claimed 1.1 million lives, also took place in three phases.

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The same happened with the flu in 1968 (one million victims), where the first phase was also less dangerous. “A benign first phase is not impossible. In the case of the flu, this phenomenon is known,” says Dr. François Bricaire. Samuel Alizon, director of research at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) in France, says this hypothesis does not apply to Covid-19. “” It can be explained why the cases suddenly became symptomatic. The hypothesis of a silent but constant epidemic is not supported, “said Alizon.

Is it possible that the disease has already appeared in some countries and then mutated into the virus? “The virus does not appear to have genetically changed significantly and there would be no reason for it to be less aggressive at first and then, in a few weeks, to become more virulent.” However, in terms of epidemiology, nothing is impossible, “says Professor Francois Bricaire.”No, this hypothesis would not be consistent. All observed mutations are negligible.“However, Professor Samuel Alizon states. However, he does not rule out the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 has been in circulation in France since January, including December, but this would have been limited.”As it turned out, the virus entered France in January with people from China. (Incidentally, the first coronavirus death in France and Europe occurred in mid-February and was a Chinese tourist – n.r.). These people may have infected some people in France, but these transmission channels have been shut down and did not lead to today’s epidemic.“The first COVID-19 infections in Italy date back to January, according to a scientific study presented on Friday, which brings new information about the origins of the epidemic in one of the most affected countries.

Italy began evaluating the population after diagnosing the first local patient on February 21 in Codogno, a small town in the Lombardy region. Cases and deaths rose immediately afterward in Italy, and scientists suspected the virus had been present but had gone unnoticed for several weeks. Stefano Merler of the Bruno Kessler Foundation said at a press conference that his institute analyzed the first known cases and drew clear conclusions from the subsequent rate of infection. “We realized that there were many infected people in Lombardy long before February 20, which means that the epidemic started much earlier,” he said. “In January for sure, but maybe even earlier. We will never know.” “he said, adding that the immediate outbreak of the number of cases suggests that the virus was probably brought to Italy by a group of people rather than a single individual.

Italy was the first western country to face the viral disease, which appeared in China late last year and then spread throughout the world, especially since March. Italy has almost 193,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19 and is close to 26,000 deaths. In an attempt to prevent the spread of the outbreak, Italy suspended air traffic to and from China on January 31 after two Chinese tourists tested positive in Rome. But scientists think it was probably too late. Another team of Italian scientists proposed the idea that the new coronavirus could have arrived in Italy from Germany, not directly from China, in the second half of January, Reuters notes.

Soccer has spread the coronavirus in Spain

Community transmission of the new coronavirus in Spain began in mid-February, according to the preliminary results of research carried out by the National Center for Microbiology of the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII). The researchers’ conclusions thus contradict the previous version of the Spanish government, which only in early March admitted the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus acquired in the community. The investigation, which examined the SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences, reveals that the virus entered Spain through 15 different points, that there was no “patient zero” in that country and that its spread among the local population began around February 14.

The first patient with COVID-19 was confirmed in Spain at the end of January, being a German tourist, followed by several other cases for which an epidemiological link could be established, so on February 23 the director of the alert center of Spanish health, Fernando Simon, assured the population that “in Spain neither the virus exists nor the disease is transmitted and we currently have no cases”, the confirmed cases up to that time were imported, generally related to Italy.

Speaking now about this study, the Spanish official said: “It is perfectly possible that there are asymptomatic cases that escaped us and were not detected by the health services. Otherwise it wouldn’t have been that explosiveAlmost three months after the confirmation of the first case, Spain currently has more than 219,700 cases of COVID-19, of which more than 22,500 have resulted in death.

According to this investigation, the Atalanta – Valencia football match, held in the Italian city of Bergamo on February 19 and described by the World Health Organization as an event that generated the rapid spread of the virus in Spain, is just one of the 15 ways to enter the new coronavirus in this country. Furthermore, at least ten of these initial sources of infection originating in other countries have caused outbreaks of local transmission in Spain, one of which causes a significant spread of the virus in at least six other countries. , a finding that shows the tremendous potential of SARS-CoV-2 to spread rapidly around the world.

To date, the virus has affected 210 countries and territories, has infected more than 2.8 million people, of whom almost 197,000 have died, and the pandemic continues to spread in the absence of treatment or a vaccine that is not affordable. On the other hand, with each passing day, new discoveries are made regarding this virus, which continues without revealing all its secrets. There seem to be more questions than answers. “We are limited by the number of virus genomes we have available for analysis (only 59 sequences). We take samples from only a limited proportion of the population. We have dated the origin of these genomes between mid-January and early February, but they may be even higher, “says Professor Samuel Alizon of France.
