At the request of China, the WHO withheld information about the coronavirus. The organization’s reaction.


The World Health Organization is again accused of following China’s policy and delaying measures to limit the spread of the coronavirus epidemic. According to the German publication Der Spiegel, which quotes a report from the German Federal Intelligence Service, BND, Xi Jinping personally called the WHO director-general, Mediafax writes.

“On January 21, Chinese President Xi Jinping called on WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus not to release human-to-human transmission of the new type of coronavirus and postpone the declaration of a pandemic. The NBD He estimates that China’s lack of transparency has delayed the global fight against the virus for 4-6 weeks, “said the German services report, obtained by Der Spiegel.

The conversation came a week after the World Health Organization announced to the world that there was no evidence that the virus was transmitted from person to person, that after another week they would change their minds and admit that such transmission existed, but it was limited. .

In a statement, the World Health Organization rejects the allegations made by the German services report.

“Dr. Tedros and President Xi did not speak on the phone on January 21 and never spoke on the phone. Such false reports distract from the efforts of the WHO and the world to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.” The WHO statement said.

The new report comes after a similar document from the US Department of Homeland Security. USA, obtained by Associated Press, in which China is accused of deliberately concealing the magnitude of the coronavirus epidemic in order to store protection materials and medicines.

“The world needs answers to these questions, not just for now, but also to make sure that we reduce the risk of such a situation happening again, with thousands upon thousands of lives lost and a huge economic cost to everyone.” said Mike Pompeo, head of American diplomacy.

Publisher: I. I.
