Ashley Biden, the new “First Daughter” of the White House. Striking similarities to Ivanka Trump


Ashley Biden, the youngest daughter of the US president-elect, has all the necessary qualities to take the place of Ivanka Trump in First Daughter with the delivery of the relief, in January 2021, writes

They were born the same year, 1981, and are equally close to their siblings and parents. Even their husbands have the same origin: Jews.

If Ivanka Trump followed her father’s example by starting a business and then following him to the White House, Ashley Biden was inspired by her family and dedicated herself to public service. A former social worker, she has been the CEO of the Delaware Justice Center since 2014, where she fights the death penalty and campaigns to reform the American penal system. A cause inspired by Beau Biden, his older brother, who died of cancer in 2015.

Ashley Biden attending the 2012 Democratic National Convention with her brothers Hunter and Beau PHOTO Getty Images

Like Ivanka, she launched a clothing line in 2017. These are Livelihod unisex sweatshirts, made in the USA and sold on a partner brand’s website.

But unlike Donald Trump’s favorite daughter, Ashley Biden has no intention of working for the White House. Little interested in politics, she says she prefers to change something locally. And at the same time she stays away from the cameras and is very discreet on social media.

“I’m so proud of her, she’s been trying to change the world since she was three years old,” Joe Biden said of his daughter.

Ashley Biden, 39, has no children yet. She has been married since 2012 to Howard Kerin, a renowned plastic surgeon, otolaryngologist and entrepreneur.

If Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump’s husband, advised his father-in-law from an unofficial position in the White House, Howard Kerin also advises Joe Biden on the COVID-19 pandemic.

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