As the private economy DIES, public servants crowd into institutions. Elena Cristian shows the REVOLTABLE reason: Urgent measures are required


Elena Cristian, editor-in-chief of DC BUSINESS, explained what was the explanation received from a budgeter about why all employees of the public system come to work despite the fact that it is a pandemic.

“We need a long-term plan of action. Sure, we can be optimistic, but when we see that we are at the top of the number of diseases and deaths, figures that show us how ill prepared we are for what is happening and for what” . The health system will continue, I say that measures are needed, in the short, medium and long term, and these measures do not seem to be coming, it is clear that the measures of the last 14 days have not borne fruit and I think that much more analysis is needed arrested. .

Many economic areas have been badly affected without analysis, while the state sector is doing well. If we look at the Press Room, where only the press is, the parking lot is full, you have nowhere to park. Work in continuous fire. Today I was asking someone in the elevator why everyone comes to work. He told me that otherwise I would lose a 15 percent raise if I teleworked. Urgent action required!“Elena Cristian declared on Antena 3.