Arafat used the “extraordinary situation of the spread of COVID-19” to obtain the “permanent” coordination of the ambulance, rescue and aviation MIA | News, News Romania | Freedom


Mirela Neag
Răzvan Luțac,
Cătălin Tolontan,

Thursday night, in the closing hours of the state of emergency, Raed Arafat saw his dream with his own eyes. He became the new coordinating leader for the more than 10,000 ambulance doctors, nurses, and employees across the country.

The Emergency Department will also coordinate professional training, including residency, for emergency medical specialties. DSU will collaborate in professional training with entities of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health, but he will coordinate.

Also under the coordination of Raed Arafat are mountain rescuers, as well as pilots and technical personnel from the General Aviation Inspection of the Ministry of the Interior.

These three acquisitions, Ambulance, Mountain Rescue and Aviation, are the wishes that the DSU chief has always publicly confessed, the last time in the recent shooting, but which, in “civil” times, Raed Arafat had failed. .

The dissatisfied president

The Orban government has prepared to move from a state of emergency to a state of alert. He reasoned that the country is going through a difficult situation and modified several provisions of GEO 1/2014.

On the same day, President Klaus Iohannis announced indignantly that Romania was facing a pandemic “with almost non-existent legislation, in any case insufficient for a crisis situation.”

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COVID with a surcharge of 7.5 million euros in the “hospital of the needy”, with hidden advertising of Andreea Marin and equipment of the apartment company of a former councilman of PSD

We had to manage on the basis of two or three regulatory acts adopted carelessly 20 years ago. In three decades, coherent legislation has not been built in Romania, through which the state can cope with even a widespread epidemic.

Klaus Iohannis, May 14, 2020, Cotroceni Palace:

Regulatory acts drafted in the past “carelessly” were changed at midnight!

“The government is forced to constantly adapt to the few legislative resources at its disposal, while old and backward politicians in Parliament have tried to tear down the modest tools we had at our disposal,” explained the head of state.

Following him?

After a few hours, the NLP government led by Ludovic Orban adopted the changes suggested by the president. He quickly adopted, at night, without consulting Parliament, the legislative framework that Klaus Iohannis says was drafted in 2014 “carelessly.”

How did they justify the rush?

Understanding that this is an extraordinary situation, given that the life and health of the population are still seriously threatened, with statistical data showing developments in this regard, due to the unpredictability of the evolution of the spread of COVID-19 … Considering that the above elements point to the public interest and constitute extraordinary situations whose regulation cannot be postponed …

Preamble of the Emergency Ordinance:

Therefore, several important provisions have emerged through which, in the current Executive’s conception, Romania will better cope with both the COVID-19 pandemic and other future emergencies.

How he took our lack of preparation by surprise. PAH:


How he took our lack of preparation by surprise. PAH: “A stinking government that has failed to draft a bill for 60 days”

Raed Arafat, the absolute leader

Until these changes, Raed Arafat coordinated the fire department, SMURD, and the Emergency Reception Units.

On Thursday GEO adds the ambulance from all over the country, the mountain rescue and the aviation of the Ministry of the Interior.

“1. In Article I, paragraph 1 is amended to read as follows:

“(1) Within the Ministry of the Interior, the Department of Emergency Situations, hereinafter called the Department, is established, an operational structure, without legal personality, with powers of:

a) integrated coordination, permanently, at the national level, of the activities of civil protection, prevention and management of emergencies, provision of human, material, financial and other resources necessary to restore the state of provisional normality, including qualified first aid and emergency medical assistance, within from emergency reception units and compartments, hereinafter referred to as UPU / CPU, as well as within SMURD structures and public ambulance services, up to hospitalization or discharge from UPU / CPU; “


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Basically, the emergency situation has become a means of taking permanent action.

Then, in the articles, each entity that enters the DSU chief’s corrosion is explained.

Alertness can be perpetuated!

Another change is the duration of the alert state. It is decreed for 30 days, as before. Only before it could be renewed only once, for another 30 days, for a total of 60 days.

Now, the provision in the GEO says the following:

“(2) Alert status can be extended when The analysis of the risk factors indicates the need to maintain the amplified response for an additional period of time, which cannot exceed 30 days ”.

expression “when” It is up to the local, county or national emergency committee (chaired by the heads of ISU or Raed Arafat) to declare the alert together with the prefect, interior minister or prime minister when deemed necessary.

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COVID with a surcharge of 7.5 million euros in the “hospital of the needy”, with hidden advertising of Andreea Marin and equipment of the apartment company of a former councilman of PSD

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