Anti-EU and anti-restriction protest on the day with the highest number of ATI patients. Soshaacă spreads banners with “Free Dacians”


Several hundred people gathered in the University Square and Victoriei Square in the capital to protest against the use of a protective mask. People sit in a tight group, none of them wear a mask or observe any preventive measures and wave flags and banners. Some of them have Romanian icons and flags inscribed with “Free Dacians” or imprinted with the symbol of the Dacian wolf.

By the time they get to the middle of the crowd, people are wearing masks, especially since the area is full of police officers. By the time they reach the area close to the government, most remove their masks.

“Down with the medical dictatorship” is written on the balloons that the protesters bring.

The protest is led by Senator Diana Șoșoacă.

People of all ages are present in the market, including children.

The protest was approved, but only for a number of 100 participants.

The organizer has already been fined for violating the limit of participants.

Gendarmerie: fines for the organizer can reach up to 10,000 lei and up to 2,500 lei for participants

“My colleagues are on the device at this time, they interact with the organizers of the two public events and with the other participants, I make the necessary recommendations, I inform them that in case of violation of the rules provided by law there will be coercive measures , sanctions.

So far, given that the maximum number of participants has been exceeded, the organizer is the one who will receive the sanctions. Very important for us, a preventive activity that we carry out, in the sense that we want that during these demonstrations there are no incidents, conflicts or other situations that could affect the safety of citizens.

The protests are assumed, organized by individuals, I cannot give them their name. There is an organizer, a person who has assumed, in accordance with the law, the organization of these activities, we have someone with whom we can relate and discuss everything that happens. This organizer has certain obligations, including those to ensure compliance with both the health protection regulations and the safety and public order regulations.

All these irregularities fall within the scope of violations and my colleagues will apply the law based on the principle of gradualism. It is natural for people to be aware and informed about the risks to which they are exposed. The next step is for the warnings, if you want to call them that, written or verbal warnings. The last and greatest sanction is coercive, pecuniary, which we have never hesitated to apply, but prevention is very important, especially when we are talking about large groups of people and compliance with citizen security measures.

I am not aware of any sanctions so far. We will certainly inform you as transparently as possible about this.

Penalties can reach up to 10,000 lei for organizers, and for participants there is a wide range of penalties that can go up to 2,500 lei, “said Georgian Enache, spokesman for the Romanian Gendarmerie.

Publisher: Adrian Dumitru
