ANP responds to Liviu Dragnea and explains why he is transferred to another prison on the outskirts of Bucharest – News from sources


Liviu Dragnea told his girlfriend, Irina Tănase, that will be transferred from the Jilava Penitentiary Hospital, where he is hospitalized for catching the new coronavirus, in Ploiești or Timișoara.

ANP explains, in a press release, to Liviu Dragnea that their movement is provided by an Order from CNCCI.

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Regarding the aspect of the medical follow-up of the people who benefited from specific treatment, for 14 days, in the prison hospital, we reiterate the information publicly communicated on 11.11.2020:

„Considering the evolution of the epidemiological situation at the national level and the evaluation of the optimal way of handling cases of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection among detainees, to increase the capacity of the Bucharest-Jilava Hospital Penitentiary, following the analysis carried out by the National Penitentiary Administration, in accordance with CNCCI Order no. 4649288 / 09.11.2020 and art. 15 of Law No. 254/2013, the Ploiești and Timișoara Penitentiaries will guarantee the custody of persons deprived of liberty who no longer present a risk of contagion after the period of 14 days of hospitalization in the prison-hospital ”.

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The establishment of the detention unit for the post-treatment follow-up period implies the analysis of the criterion of proximity to the penitentiary center that ensures compliance with the custodial sentence, being directed to the best interests of the convicted ”, affirms ANP.

Irina Tănase specified, this Tuesday, on Antena 3, that Dragnea paid for all the tests carried out to see if it is infected and that they told it that it will pay for the last one it will carry out. The ANP says that each convict can request, for a fee, medical services.

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“The diagnosis and treatment component in cases associated with the current epidemiological context is unitary and non-discriminatory, guaranteeing in accordance with the legal provisions, free of charge, for all persons deprived of liberty.

The possibility of requesting medical services for a fee is provided by art. 71, para. (6) of Law no. 254/2013 on the execution of sentences and custodial measures ordered by judicial bodies during the criminal process, respectively by art. 145, para. (1) of Order No. 429/2012 on medical assistance to persons deprived of liberty under the custody of the National Penitentiary Administration and is independent of the conduct established at the system level for the specific therapeutic course of confirmed COVID-19 cases . ”, Shows the ANP.

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Another accusation by Irina Tănase is that according to some information she would have from public figures, Liviu Dragnea could receive medical treatment that would harm him. The ANP affirms that none of the patients treated for COVID-19 in the Jilava Prison-Hospital, automatically nor Dragnea, is in poor health.

“In the same registry, we highlight that no person deprived of liberty for whom the Penitentiary-Hospital Bucharest-Jilava ensures that the COVID-19 treatment protocol does not present health alterations or changes that may require medical interventions outside the prison system”, shows the ANP. .

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