Another blow for Craiova lui Mititelu. OSIM made the decision


  • League 1, stage a 11-a: Poli Iaşi – FC Argeş, Friday, 17:30, Digi Sport 1

  • League 1, stage a 11-a: Dynamo – Volunteers, Friday, 20:30, Digi Sport 1

After the League 1 team, CS Universitatea Craiova, filed an appeal, the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks admitted the appeal on the trademark. “Lions of Bănie Craiova”, which until now was a Mititelu brand.

“CLUBUL SPORTIV UNIVERSITATEA CRAIOVA, challenges OSIM Decision no. M 2014 06081 / 01.26.2015 of admission to registration of the trademark LEII DIN BĂNIE CRAIOVA no. ASOCIAŢIA COMUNITATEA SUPORTERILOR FC UNIVERSITATEA CRAIOVA, and defendant-intervener PELUZA SUD.
REJECTS THE EXCEPTIONS ALLOWED BY THE APPEAL “, is shown in the institution’s statement.

U Craiova 1948 can no longer use the trademark “Leii din Bănie Craiova”

In early November, OSIM rejected the request for the League 2 team to register another trademark under the name “Universitatea Craiova Soccer Team”. It had stripes and other small changes to the “Science” coat of arms.

November 5 Adrian Mititelu was arrested. The financier of the leader of League 2 was definitively sentenced to 3 years in prison for committing the crime of tax evasion.

Tags: Craiova University , adrian mititelu , in craiova 1948 , brand university of craiova , in craiova 194 , money lions craiova
