Andreea Esca, at a critical age? “Today I was struck by reality. I panicked!”


After overcoming health hurdles lately, Andreea Esca became more relaxed. Some pleasant moments also contributed to her condition, such as the recent birthday of her daughter, Alexia, who turned 20.

The presenter confessed that she would have wanted to be 20 years ago, just as Alexia is.

“It was only today that I panicked! Not the day before yesterday, when it was my birthday! Alexia turns 20! So it’s impossible for me to be 20. And I can’t be 34 either, because I didn’t have them when I was 14… So I have more than that. More than that means a lot … And yes, I know the moods don’t matter like the age of the newsletter, but today reality hit me. No, of course, this late revelation won’t make me weigh myself twice if I go to a party, but I admit I was a bit moved.

Because I live with myself every day, we age together with the related wrinkles and the necessary kilograms, with the doubts and problems that must be solved, and we know that we have two children. It’s just that now one of the “little ones” appears at this age … and we weren’t ready. It seems that “my baby” still sounds until 20. Now I don’t know how to say it? My girlfriend? And how can I reposition myself in front of that blue-eyed girl who changed my universe when she was born?

This child made me very happy! Sorry … this lady! When the doctor told me I was pregnant, I was just screaming with happiness on the street. I remember perfectly how I told Adina Gorita in the office. I also know where and what I was wearing. Nothing in the world could have made me happier! Regardless of what they asked me, I answered that I was pregnant. I felt the center of the world, the strongest being on Earth and the luckiest.

The first 3-4 months I did not eat anything and was not well at all in the morning and at night, except for diary time when the baby did not bother me at all. She seemed to know there was no joke and I don’t accept any inconvenience :). I did not take anything into account in terms of diet or sports, because they did not recommend me too much and did not give too many tests / analyzes to do.

I only went for the ultrasounds, because these already existed, not as good as now, if you see the child standing up, while eating while watching TV, but anyway. And there I was amused that the doctor was playing me relaxing music with a water, a river through the forest, and I asked him to surrender, because the sound drove me crazy, it did not calm me down, and I also wanted to urinate. of so much water and cold in the forest :).

Otherwise, I continued with my normal life, without changing my schedule at all, but with a maximum dose of happiness in my face and soul. I was at work until the last moment, and I danced until two days ago, because it was only my 29th birthday. Then, on the 30th at night, I had some chicken with hazelnuts and other “Chinese” and on August 31 in the morning I went to the hospital for a check-up, because it seemed to me that my stomach ached from that spicy food of the night. . The gynecologist told me that these pains are called contractions, that they are not related to peanuts and that they remain to give birth. The rest is history

When choosing the name, I reviewed all the options that I had liked over time. I even remembered a vacation on the beach, with my parents, when in a restaurant a mother yelled at her little girl: “Aluna”, and I told her that this is how I would baptize my little girl. Also on the list were: Ariadna, Adnana and Anais.

By the way, did you know that my mother wanted to baptize Miruna Solange? J)))) The winners were Alexia Margot. I thought of Alexia, because she is “Alex’s daughter,” and of Margot, because of my maternal grandmother, whom I adored. But who didn’t love Aunt Margot? Sometimes I even get the impression that Alexia resembles him in behavior. Well, in the days when she was kind … When she started talking and we met someone on the street, who asked me her name, I said Alexia and she answered: “Magician” …

Alexia Margot, today, when you turn 20, I want to thank you for 20 years of happiness, fulfillment, joy, adventure, fun, nerves, emotions, discussions, panic, projects, laughter, tears, satisfaction, disappointments, love! Thank you for 20 years with you, my favorite “roller coaster”! I love you and I am here for anything, anytime! Well, I know I don’t answer the phone all the time … But you also call one and talk looooong.

PS: Don’t tell our joke with “Who do you call if …?” The star wrote on Facebook.
