Andreea Bălan, caught with the lie? Who actually stays with his daughters all day


Andreea Bălan disappointed some of her fans due to some statements. Who stays with her daughters all day and how does the artist complain on television about the situation of many other women in the world?

Andreea Bălan, false statements?

Weeks passed, Burcea also went to the Ferma program with statements about his previous marriage, and some of those who had previously criticized the actor went to Andreea’s camp. Many of the artist’s supporters entered George’s camp after his comments. Unfortunately for the artist, more and more women have expressed an opinion that perhaps was not expected. The reality is that many women around the world raise their children alone and a constant percentage of them I can hardly offer them a dignified life, the other half of the family is not present at all. During this time, the artist was reproached for complaining too much because she has a status that helps her give everything for her girls. However, in the other field are the people who still support her and try to be with her even with a few words. Recently, the blonde was present in the Direct Access program. Invited on the program’s sofa with the two daughters, Mirela Vaida explained the situation in the most veiled way possible. The artist wanted to emphasize then that Burcea does not do his father’s work very well and that he only sees his daughters once a week, but this is not because he could not do it several times, but because this was his wish.

“It is not easy for me, it is difficult to be a single mother and I to be the one who takes care of them, the house, everything… but I can! My hours close at half past five. All I have to do is do it during the day, because then I’ll take Ella to kindergarten. From that moment they are theirs: we go to the park, to the shopping center, to the sea, to the mountains, to the park “
Andreea Bălan

Andreea Bălan's girl show
Andreea Bălan’s girl show

Who takes care of his daughters all day

Also, at the same time, he gave the impression that he takes care of everything for the most part, listing the family’s fixed hours, and help comes only when he has to be present in the studio or on the set of the program ” from somewhere “. However, things are a bit different. Her mother is always at the artist’s house, and there is also a babysitter and a friend who are attentive to every little gesture of the girls.

“My mother helps me. My mother moved in with me and she is all the time. She is in charge of making soup for them, preparing their menu, eating well and healthy. Then we have Flori, the first nanny, since Ella was born, who comes from 08:00 to 15:00 and then we have a good friend, Eli, who comes from 15:00 to 19:00, and from 19:00 we are my mother and I. (…) Weekends together, of course. i tried this summer [să meargă] in the mountains, in the sea. I did all kinds of activities to live his childhood to the fullest “
Andreea Bălan
