Andra burst into tears. He couldn’t help it: “The doctors told us he had to operate.”


Andra is one of our most optimistic stars. With a contagious smile and a positive mood, the artist won the hearts of millions of Romanians. However, beyond her pleasant personality and fabulous voice, which no one can deny, the singer is above all human and has her fears. Not long ago, Andra broke down in tears during an art performance, overwhelmed by the medical problems of an important family member.

Andra, crying for her mother

Although we always see them with a smile on their faces, artists also have their personal problems, which turn them from “superheroes” into ordinary people. Although we are drawn to the good energy of the artist, who can be considered one of the best voices in Romania, Andra also has moments when she bursts into tears. Family troubles made her react like this after the star’s mother arrived at the hospital. The star long ago recounted an episode full of emotion, which caused her and her brother to burst into tears on stage.

At one point I had some health problems with my mother and she was in Bucharest. We went to the hospital one morning and the doctors told her she had to operate on her. So I called my brothers and in 1-2 they were in Bucharest. I felt in that moment that I could share the hardships with someone and that I was not alone. I remember that the day he operated on my mother I had a show with my brother, he had released the album “Big is humanity.” I was singing a song, “The road of life separates us”, and I honestly burst into tears. My brother, who is sensitive, also cried. And now I want to cry because I am reliving those moments, how hard it was for us. But the fact that we were together helped us, Andra said on a TV show a long time ago.

Andra and Cătălin Măruță, along with their two children, were diagnosed with Covid-19
Andra and Cătălin Măruță, along with their two children, were diagnosed with Covid-19

The Măruță family tested positive for Covid-19

A month ago, Andra and Cătălin Măruță, along with their two children, were diagnosed with Covid-19. The whole family was kept in solitary confinement for two weeks, during which each one followed the doctor’s advice. Although most of them had no problems, the one who felt the strongest illness was Andra. The artist was in great pain, but managed to stand up a few days after symptoms appeared.

I can say that I feel good … If it continues like this I can say that I passed COVID easily. I have a cough, I still have a fever at night and yes, I have lost my taste and smell. This condition is very strange. I did a test last night and I tested positive, so I have to stay in isolation for these 14 days. Andra also has muscle aches. The most energetic of us is Eva. David tells us to try it every day, because it is far from us. I thank everyone who sent us messages of support, the story at that time Cătălin Măruță on his social media account.

Beyond illness, Andra also had problems with her voice. For a time, the singer had to take a break from singing, but gradually she began to train her vocal cords to return to the beloved custom of enjoying the soul of Romanians.

For now, I’m just playing upside down because I can’t push myself too hard. But music makes me feel good, so right now I’m just singing in my mind. I can’t wait to sing to you again, I’m looking forward to it! I want to tell you everything I have in mind because I gathered a lot of emotions, Andra said on Instagram.
