Anamaria Prodan, terrified by COVID-19: in which clinic was she treated and with what problem did she stay


Anamaria Prodan is the latest famous victim of the new coronavirus in the Romanian sports world. He didn’t even need to be admitted to intensive care, like Dănuţ Lupu and Ioan Niculae, but it wasn’t good either!

Now, as he gradually passed his critical period, the businessman recounted his ordeal from COVID-19. In dialogue with România TV, Prodan confessed that he still has symptoms of the disease.

What did Anamaria Prodan say?

* I also passed this jump. I made vitamin infusions at home. I followed the treatment prescribed by Gigi Becali’s doctors. I’m still coughing, but I don’t have time. There were strange moments. I didn’t feel good. They were terrible moments. My bones ached, I had a more severe shape than other friends. I stayed home, I started to regain my voice, I ran away. I did tests, I have absolutely nothing.

* No matter how much you protect, you have no control. Who does not believe in this virus does not know what he is talking about. We have to be careful. I believe that absolutely everyone will have this virus, but I believe that if we do not have major health problems, you should not be afraid.

* I was especially scared when I heard from all sides that in a split second everything could get worse and that you could not breathe.

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