Ana Birchall takes the message from the head of DNA and attacks: ‘Now maybe you understand why I called the SIIJ Cooperativa Nufărul’ – News from sources


Since the establishment of the Special Section, no prosecutor or judge has been prosecuted for corruption, says Ana Birchall, a former justice minister at Facebook, who takes over the message from the DNA chief prosecutor, Crin Bologa. At the same time, the former minister affirms that he still supports the abolition of the SIIJ.

“Since the establishment of the Special Section, no prosecutor or judge has been prosecuted for corruption. This is the true” activity report “of the Special Section (SIIJ), NOT the lies and manipulations spread in public space by Iordache, Savonea and the gang as “the existence of the Special Section is vital for the magistrates to be responsible for their activity and above all to hold accountable for the alleged abuses they would commit through the sentences handed down.” Where is the responsibility when no prosecutor or judge, but none, has been prosecuted for corruption? Now you can understand why I called the SIIJ Cooperativa Nufarul and why I attracted so many enemies because I had the courage and supported (and continue to support) the abolition of SIIJ! ”Birchall writes on Facebook.

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ADN’s chief prosecutor, Crin Bologa, told Europa FM on Thursday night that the Special Section had not prosecuted any prosecutors or judges for corruption since its inception, which would not have happened if ADN still had this jurisdiction.

“We discovered that since the creation of the SIIJ, in 2018, when we sent the files there, no case of corruption with magistrates has appeared, not even of those that we decline to the Special Section. And those files, if they were not Since the establishment of the Section, prosecutors or judges have not been prosecuted for corruption.“said the head of DNA.

At the same time, Crin Bologa also discussed the abolition of the Special Section, since on Wednesday the Minister of Justice announced that he is publicly debating the Laws of Justice, previously amended by the PSD-ALDE coalition, and one of the main proposals is the abolition of the Special Section.

“Regarding the reestablishment of the crime-fighting service in the Judiciary, not against the magistrates, (…) I believe that we will have to have specialized prosecutors in this field, because this specialization has also had past results.

Why was this Special Section detrimental? He thinks that it is much easier to try to control 3-5 prosecutors and it is difficult to control more than 100 DNA prosecutors, to which other prosecutors from the Attorney General’s Office joined. These prosecutors were more difficult to control. This cannot happen when this competition is concentrated in the hands of a few prosecutors. “added Crin Bologa.
