“An unprecedented wave of hatred”


  • UEL: Young Boys – CFR Cluj, Thursday, 19:45, Digi Sport 1

  • European Handball Championship: Croatia – Romania, Thursday, 19:15, Digi Sport 2

Sebastian Colțescu (43 years old) is involved in a racism scandal It took global proportions after he identified Pierre Webo, Basaksehir’s assistant coach, as “the black one.” George Simion, a founding member of the ultra groups Honor et Patria and Uniți Sub Tricolor, declared for the official account of the party that he directs that the Romanian referee is “the victim of an aggressive campaign of denigration”.

We support fairness in the sports field, not the intolerance generated by political fairness. Today is Colțescu, tomorrow it can be any of us. Yes, racism is unacceptable, but the situation that generated an unprecedented wave of hatred against a Romanian referee does not fall into this type of behavior.

We stand in solidarity with Sebastian Colțescu, victim of an aggressive campaign of denigration at the national and international level“said George Simion, one of the leaders of the great surprise of the parliamentary elections this year.

George Simion, co-president of AUR, in solidarity with Sebastian Colțescu

In November, the Honor et Patria group, whose constitution also contributed George Simion, issued a statement with xenophobic overtones after the Portuguese Mario Camora was summoned before the first representative of Romania after the footballer took his Romanian citizenship.

Mirel Rădoi, in search of illusory pseudo-performances, today opened the doors of the national team to naturalized players. Who imagines that Mario Camora will be the first and the last is wrong. Only the Trojan Horse, wrapped in good intentions, will bring with it other and other ‘imports’ of the occasion.

The national team is a matter of principle. Like the flag, the anthem or the national day of a country. He does not change them at will, when others seem more attractive to him. Go with them and try to shine them. With what you have, with what you can. Mirel Rădoi did not understand that, so we wish him a short career as head of the national team.“, was the message of the Honor et Patria group for Mirel Rădoi, after the call of Mario Camora.

George Simion got caught in the sector where the supporters of “United Under the Tricolor” were in many matches in Romania. The ultras’ actions have brought more UEFA penalties to the FRF.

Tags: sebastian coltescu , pierre webo , george simion , psg-basaksehir , Coltescu’s racism
