An Italian restaurant owner has figured out how he can fake COVID-19 restrictions without breaking the law. His story went viral


The owner of an Italian restaurant, open non-stop before the pandemic, has found an escape from the legal regulations in force during this period, which stipulate that all public places close at midnight, so it works almost as before. Specifically, the man found that the respective rules do not set opening hours anywhere.

Therefore, Aldo Manoieri, the owner of the restaurant in Catanzaro Lido, Calabria, closes the door at 12:00 at night, but reopens it after 15 minutes. Prime Minister Conte and his graduate superministers did not think that in addition to closing time, there is also a reopening“Says Aldo Manoieri, according to TGCOM24.

Aldo Manoieri became a star on social media because he “ridiculed” the restrictions imposed at night.

On October 14, when they went into effect, Manoieri closed the restaurant at midnight and reopened it 15 minutes later. The police officers who intervened agreed with him.

“We closed at midnight and we demonstrated this to the police patrolling the area to verify the implementation of the ordinance, but the information on when a business can be reopened was not included in the regulatory act.”the restaurant owner told the local press.

The man also said that, for now, as long as the legislation is unclear, he will continue to reopen the restaurant at 00:15.

His story went viral and public opinion was divided. While some consider him a hero, even following his example and acting in a similar way to his premises, most say that he is a danger to public health. Now, everyone expects clearer rules.

Andrea Ferrari, the owner of the Mavit bar in front of Bologna’s central station, applies roughly the same recipe. At midnight he closes his premises for an hour, during which time he cleans and disinfects, and at 1:00 he reopens it.

Publisher: DC
