“An extremely unpleasant situation, I guess.”


vaccination menorth RYesagirl seems to have started with frana of manorthComplicated afterComplicated. One week after the start, the immunization rate for medical personnel hovered around 1,000 people per day, given that the stated goal of the campaign is set at an average of 20,000 vaccinations per day. AThe first discontent also arose. There are doctors who say they are scheduled to receive the serum, but they have either been informed that there is no vaccine, or that not all the centers are still working.

It was a problem related to the scheduling system, lack of synchronization between the registration platform and the vaccination centers and therefore a restart of the scheduling calendar was needed, explained, on Sunday night, at Digi24, the coordinator of the national anti-COVID vaccination campaign. The military doctor Valeriu Gheorghiţă showed that were the causes of the blockages, but also what is going to happen in the vaccination campaign.

13,200 people have been vaccinated since December 27, when the campaign began, but only 324 have been vaccinated on Sunday, January 3. As of next week, the activity in the vaccination centers will work uninterruptedly, 7 days out of 7, with a schedule from 8 in the morning to 8 in the afternoon. And after 8 pm, the vaccination continues and can be done for our own staff who are on duty or during the night shift, just to facilitate access to the vaccination, ”Valeriu Gheorghiță explained to Digi24.

With regard to the dysfunctions that occurred during the period from December 31 to January 2, we must point out that for this reason, namely that some of the centers will start operating tomorrow (Monday), there was a lack of synchronization between the programming platform, which allowed the programming of a small number of people until the moment when it was practically possible reset programming schedule according to the start of vaccination activities. Was a Extremely unpleasant situation, which I assume, but all the people, I can assure you, were called and explained this problem related to the scheduling system and were rescheduled. From this point of view, things are corrected, but the activity should be normal as of tomorrow and there should be no more problems of this kind, ”said Valeriu Gheorghiță.

500,000 vacancies for programming in January

There are 376 vaccination centers across the country, but only about 50 have been operational this week. “Most of the centers in the country have chosen to start vaccination activities at full capacity as of January 4. However, the centers have been prepared since December 27, duly equipped with all the necessary equipment to ensure access to the national electronic registry of vaccinations, they have benefited from all the necessary procedures for the vaccination activities and training of each coordinator center, to know how to operate in that national electronic vaccination registry. Basically, I started gradually. Initially, with the 10 medical units, to which others were added, but as of tomorrow (Monday – no), the activity will begin practically in most of the centers, ”said Valeriu Gheorghiță.

He said that more than 40,000 vaccines were distributed on Sunday In all these centers, and as of Monday the vaccination rate will be close to that established for stage 1.

“It is relevant to see what happens on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, because appointments increase progressively from one day to the next. The number of free programming slots that people can program on is approximately 500,000 during the first two to three weeks of January. So if someone wants to code, they have enough places to do it, “said Gheorghiță.

The need for vaccines is requested by each vaccination center, it is centralized at the level of the DSP and in addition, the DSP, until 1:00 p.m. the day before the actual start of the vaccination activities, transmits this need to the vaccination center . storage, which in turn prepares the necessary vaccines and ensures distribution to DSPs, respectively to vaccination centers, explained Valeriu Gheorghiță.

He said that these vaccine needs should be evaluated very well, taking into account the recommendation to ensure the vaccination of those who go to a vaccination center, even if they are not scheduled. Priority will be given to people who already have an appointment, but “if we still have vaccinations, we should also guarantee vaccination of people who show up spontaneously at the vaccination center,” Gheorghiță said.

So far 90,000 people have been programmed

Unlike the Covid testing situation, when labs know of a decrease in activity over the weekend, there may be more people scheduled for the vaccine on days off, because then the medical staff has more time.

“What happened these days, as of December 27, is not relevant for the next period and also, the period that serves the first stage of vaccination is not relevant for the vaccination capacity that Romania has for the second stage and 3rd because the size of the centers is as correct as possible and adapted to the population density ”, stressed Valeriu Gheorghiță.

“I’m older 900 center that have a national distribution, that We could vaccinate at least 150 people a day and we could reach a capacity of more than 140,000 people vaccinated every day, when we talk about the second stage and after the third stage, said the coordinator of the vaccination campaign.

However, the availability of the vaccine must be taken into account, because there is a delivery schedule, and the number of people scheduled must be in accordance with the availability of the vaccine, says the military doctor.

He said there were more than 90,000 people scheduled for January for Saturday, but appointments are still being made and said he asked DSPs to try to schedule all medical staff who want to get vaccinated by the end of the week.

When could the second stage of vaccination begin

“I intend to start vaccination for the second stage as of mid-January, especially with the most vulnerable people, people at risk of developing serious infections and also at risk of spreading the infection quickly, as is the case of those admitted to the centers, medical and social centers and residential centers, ”said the coordinator of the vaccination campaign.

To date, some 150,000 doses of vaccine have been brought to Romania, of which slightly more than 13,000 have been used, but until the end of January they are expected to come and the rest to 750,000 doses. They are more than enough to cover the first stage, in which 300,000 people would be expected to be vaccinated, explained Valeriu Gheorghiță.

For the entire month of January, including the December stretch, we are talking about 750,000 doses, so basically this amount of dose is enough to cover first phase, a step that, in fact, comprises an estimated number of approx. 300,000 people, both medical and social workers. If we think about the fact that we would have a coverage rate, theoretically, of one hundred percent, even in this case We can provide both the initial dose and the booster., and we still have a remainder of about 150,000 doses that can be assigned, at least in the first phase, for the staff of residential and medico-social centers, because we are talking about a series of 40,000 people hospitalized in these centers, “said Valeriu Gheorghiță.

The vaccination capacity for the second stage, when the more than 900 vaccination centers will be activated, will be more than 140,000 people per day, but the vaccination rate must be measured according to the availability of the vaccine. “If we had so many vaccinations then I could tell you that During March, we could already be talking about the third stage of vaccination of the general population“Said the doctor.

By February, for example, Romania should receive around 160,000 doses of vaccine per week..

“We don’t want unpleasant situations where people are scheduled and do not benefit from vaccination, because there are not enough doses,” said Gheorghiță.

Could Stage 3 People Request Vaccination Sooner?

When asked if people waiting to enter the third stage could not, upon request, be vaccinated faster, given that there are medical personnel and people in risk categories who do not want to be vaccinated, Gheorghiţă said no, explaining why: “No, because we do not have a practically infinite availability of these vaccines. If we were in this situation, there would definitely be no need to prioritize and then all the people who want to be vaccinated would go to a vaccination center and get vaccinated, but since the availability is gradual and we are talking about a weekly staggering of the vaccine tranches, We must first ensure access to the first dose and then to the booster, because as shown by clinical trials, the effectiveness of more than 95% results from performing the two doses, both the initial dose and the booster dose at 21 days “. He added that vaccination is a priority for all sectors of the world.

Why are the first dignitaries not vaccinated?

Asked why in Romania dignitaries, public figures were not vaccinated among the first, to be an example for the population still undecided whether to get vaccinated, he said that the decision in Romania is that dignitaries are vaccinated when it is their turn and they decide whether make it public or not. “We have to take some steps and be patient so that everything happens at the right time,” said the doctor.

As for him, Valeriu Gheorghiţă announced that he will be vaccinated on Tuesday, according to the calendar, at the vaccination center of the Central Military Hospital, where he works.

“The ability to convince people who are currently undecided, undecided, I believe can be achieved through correct and transparent communication and information of correct scientific medical data, validated by experts. The central idea of ​​the communication and information campaign must be represented by trust in medical personnel, medical experience and medical recommendations, ”explained Valeriu Gheorghiță.

The reopening of schools is not conditioned by vaccination

The coordinator of the vaccination campaign against COVID-19 says that the reopening of schools is not conditioned by the vaccination of teachers, but stressed that educational personnel have priority over vaccination, because they fulfill a fundamental activity.

“What I can tell you is that, certainly, teachers and educational personnel are prioritized, because it really serves an essential activity extremely important for society and for the educational system of our country and will surely have priority in vaccination. But the opening of schools is not conditioned by vaccination, ”said Valeriu Gheorghiță.

Thus, those who work in education and want to be vaccinated will enter the second stage of the vaccination campaign.

Read also: Reopening schools is risky. Why do teachers refuse to get vaccinated?

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
