An engineer explains why chips with immunization cannot be implanted: “A chip with 100/100 microns, as far as it can go through the needle of a syringe, cannot do anything”


Vlad Furtună took seriously the arrest of many people who refuse to be vaccinated on the grounds that, together with the serum, a chip will be inserted into our body.

This is how the engineer explains:

“Although this text probably won’t reach the right person, here are the main reasons why no one will be able to give you a chip. I am an electronic engineer with about 7 years of experience in software and hardware (which means a lot of chip work).

What we are missing from a technological point of view at the moment:

1. Miniaturization. A chip needs many transistors (we can put around 170 million transistors per square millimeter). It sounds like a lot, but billions are needed for relevant calculations. A chip with 100/100 microns (enough to pass through a syringe needle) -> that’s 17 million transistors with current technology cannot do anything. Why? For neural control or any other process, we need high computing power and physical connections with neurons. Such a small chip cannot do them all.

2. The human body. The human body is a hostile environment for any foreign body. When a chip gets on your finger and you cannot remove it, your body will do its best to remove the foreign object from the body. The same would happen with any silicon chip. You would need a titanium coating (a material that is terribly difficult to work with and very expensive).

3. The human body p2. The human body contains a lot of water, and if you have ever poured water on your phone, you will understand why it is not quite possible for the chip to work in the blood / muscles / brain, environments that contain too much water for any chip.

4. The human body, p3. We assume that we cross the other barriers and reach the brain with the chip. If you’ve ever had energy, you must have felt your muscles tense. Neurons send electrical signals to muscles when you want to move or have a thought. Any neural process involves electricity. It is impossible to stimulate the brain without knowing where to insert itself. A chip alone cannot navigate the body and cannot transmit valid signals to neurons.

5. Communication. Any chip needs communication with the external environment (especially if it wants to perform complex operations). We cannot put an antenna on the chip that is efficient enough to pick up signals from inside the human body, and the chip should be able to receive instructions via wireless technology. Neither 5G nor anything else can transmit as much data as we can to alter our thoughts or make a man unintentionally move a finger, because we must adapt to each individual.

6. Power supply. The chips need a lot of current for any type of calculation. Each calculation is translated by the processor into changes in the state of the internal transistors. Every change needs electricity. Too many calculations or neural control require too much electricity. The chip or chips must be continuously powered for any operation. It is impossible to wirelessly power any type of device in a long radius (more than 15 centimeters) through the air, destroyed by the human body, walls or any kind of environment.

Although technology has advanced, it will be at least a few hundred years before we can solve the aforementioned problems, only from a technological point of view. Until then, we can easily control robotic prosthetics, for example. “

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