An emotional speech. Angela Merkel’s latest New Year’s message as Chancellor: “What a year I had!”


German Chancellor Angela Merkel delivered her last New Year’s message from the office. because she will retires before the elections of September 2021. Qualified by the European press as an emotional speechnorthAngela Merkel said that 2020 was the most difficult period of the 15 years.

“What a year I had! In 2020, we had something that took hold of us, without expecting it. An unknown virus that has invaded our bodies and lives. It hit us in the most human: social contacts, conversations, hugs, anniversaries. The virus converted normal behaviors into risky, it made us protect ourselves unexpectedly. The year 2020, from the pandemic, was one in which I had something to learn. In the spring we had to react to a virus about which we knew nothing, we had to make decisions that we hoped we had taken correctly. The coronavirus pandemic has been and continues to be a long-term political, economic and social challenge, “said Chancellor Angela Merkel.

“It will be up to all of us, for a long time, to see how we can overcome this pandemic,” said the German chancellor. He urged the Germans to abide by the rules in the coming days and weeks, noting that these are still “difficult times” for the country. “Apart from the vaccine, we have the most effective means at our disposal, respecting the rules, each one of us,” insisted the German Chancellor.

At the same time, Angela Merkel thanked the citizens for the discipline shown by the vast majority, because they wore masks and kept their physical distance.

There is hope!

There is hope, Merkel said, in the context of the first people vaccinated in Europe and the world. Merkel assured that “whoever wants” can be vaccinated and said that she will also be vaccinated when “it is her turn.”

Scientists around the world are another source of hope, including those in Germany, which were the first to develop a reliable test against coronavirus and created the first vaccine approved by many countries, the chancellor said. Remembering the names of German founders BioNTech, Ugur Sahin and Ozlem Tureci, Merkel noted that the Mainz-based company has employees from 60 countries.

“Nothing can prove better than that the force of diversity, European and international cooperation is what brings progress,” Angela Merkel was quoted as saying by Agerpres.

Let’s take a break and cry!

The 16-year-old German Chancellor stressed that at the end of what he called “an impressive year”, it is important that people pause and cry. “As a society, we must not forget how many people have lost their loved ones without being able to be with them in the last hours of their lives,” he said. Merkel added that she can only imagine how angry these people must feel when “incorrigible people persist in denying the existence of the virus.”

“Conspiracy theories are not only false and dangerous, they are also cynical and cruel to people who have lost loved ones,” Merkel added.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
