An article of GEO 50/2010 affects ALL Romanians with money in the bank. READY! THE GREAT CHANGE IS EXPECTED


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Great attention! A GEO 50/2010 article affects us all!

Any customer of a commercial bank who needs a loan or a card, regardless of the required value, is obliged to make at least one trip to the bank.

Not because banks had not developed the new technology or were unwilling to send documentation by courier or agents, but because it is required by law.

An article (n. 79) forgotten in the Emergency Ordinance 50/2010, which regulates credit contracts for consumers, does not allow their execution except in “work points organized for this purpose in commercial spaces”. That is, in translation, at the bank branch. And a credit contact does not always imply a single signature, because it can be the signatures of the guarantors, spouse, parents, friends, so your move. It is not just about lost time, but today, an additional risk of contagion with the new coronavirus, not only for customers, but also for bank employees. The greater the congestion, the greater the risks.

Bankers say they are ready for change

For sophisticated clients, from the urban environment and not only, there is the solution of electronic signature, identity verification through videophone systems and electronic forms. For those with less access to technology, there is the possibility of finalizing documents through a combination of home visits by bank agents with sending documents through courier services.

Specialists say that the modification of this article can be made by the government, through a new emergency ordinance, or by Parliament, through a bill, but there is still no initiative in this regard. They say that there are all the arguments for people not to get on the road and point to a European legislation that recommends to member countries the implementation of digital services as a cost reduction method, both for financial institutions and especially for consumers .
