An Alaskan nurse had a severe allergic reaction after receiving the Pfizer vaccine


A nurse at Bartlett Regional Hospital in Alaska developed a severe allergic reaction shortly after receiving the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine Tuesday night and was hospitalized overnight.

Health officials explained Wednesday night that the middle-aged woman had no history of allergies and had never had anaphylactic shock, an allergic reaction that can be fatal, reports, according to

Representatives from Bartlett Regional Hospital said the 96 employees who received the vaccine Tuesday were under observation for 30 minutes after the injection.

The woman began to feel unwell 10 minutes after receiving the vaccine and took an antihistamine.

Symptoms progressed to an increased heart rate and shortness of breath and she was admitted to the hospital emergency department.

“She had a red rash on her face and torso,” said Dr. Lindy Jones, the doctor who treated her. “He was concerned about an anaphylactic reaction.” Therefore, Jones gave him an emergency injection of epinephrine.

The symptoms briefly subsided and then reappeared. They gave her intravenous epinephrine and transferred her to the intensive care unit (ICU), where she spent the night. Jones added that the woman did not need the ward’s resources, but because it is a small hospital, “if we care about a patient, we place him in the ICU.”

The woman did not receive any medication Wednesday morning and was expected to be discharged Wednesday night.

Pfizer said in a statement that it is working with local health authorities to analyze the response of the Alaskan woman and will closely monitor “all reports of serious allergic reactions after vaccination” and update the explanations in the insert as necessary.
