American elections. A third of Americans have already voted, events are accelerating, and polls are changing


Motto: Many May Not Like It, But They Like What I Did – Donald J. Trump (October 16, 2020)

Read all the texts written by Martin S. Martin for

Intransigence and excessive partisanship marked the last part of the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, in which Judge Amy Coney Barrett was nominated only by Republican votes, and members of the Democratic committee chose to make an unprecedented move: boycott the commission. .

The Senate plenary vote will take place on Monday, October 26 to confirm who – in all likelihood – will occupy the seat of former Supreme Justice Ruth Ginsburg.

Faced with an electoral process that can lead to contested elections (as happened in 2000, when Al Gore accused the electoral commission of irregularities and demanded the counting of votes), a full Supreme Court is decisive, because it avoids the situation of one vote 4 : 4., which would lead to a decision paralysis.

The electoral age of the United States is 257 million. Of these, more than 49 million have already voted as of October 22 (about 30% of the more than 150 million estimated by the electorate this year) and their number is expected to exceed 80 million by November 2.

Mass early voting allows for some observations.

First of all, those who vote before the election date are the ones who made a final decision early and I don’t think it can change. This makes the “still undecided” segment smaller and smaller and greatly reduces the possibility that some of them may be influenced in the rest of the campaign, whatever facts or arguments come their way.

Those who decide early, very numerous this year, manifest a strong and unchanging attachment to their party, a loyalty based on various factors, of which emotional factors play an important role.

Finally, while early voting at polling stations is just as controllable as on Election Day, early voting by mail (around 39% after creates the possibility of errors (lost votes, delays) or fraud. intentional (adding or removing ballot envelopes).

The second (and last) presidential debate took place on Thursday, October 22, in the hall at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee.

Moderator Kristen Walker (NBC) was far more capable of controlling the nominee meeting than Chris Wallace, the moderator of the first debate, who was a mess and disorder from the start.

Joe Biden has focused his attacks on pandemics, health insurance and the fight against climate change.

He accused Trump of mistakes that led to the large number of illnesses and deaths through COVID, without clearly explaining what different measures his team would have taken to better protect the population.

He also called Trump a racist, who, in his opinion, “would have poured gas in all cases of racism. Dismissing the accusations, the president said he was “the least racist man in the room.”

Biden explained that the main direction in the field of health insurance will be the expansion of Obamacare through “public option” (that is, government intervention, which should become an active factor in competition with private insurance). This is the equivalent of a nationalization of the medical industry and its annexes.

In the economic sphere, Trump forced Biden to repeat a statement made several times, that “the era of the oil industry is over” and that “we will replace the current economy with the green economy”, alluding to the mega utopian Green New plan. Hill, drawn up by the leftist leaders of the Democratic Party.

“Remember this on Election Day!” was Trump’s call for the people of Texas, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio, where the extractive industry plays an important role in the economy.

Something unexpected was the inclusion by the moderator of the topic related to the suspicions of corruption of the Biden family. Recently, incriminating messages were discovered on the computer of Hunter, the son of the former vice president, about direct contacts between Joe Biden and businessmen from Ukraine and China, including the mention that 10% of the amounts received must be delivered to the “man.” big”.

“Are you the great man, Joe?” Trump addressed his opponent.

Trump addressed Biden directly on charges of taking money from foreign governments and expressed the opinion that it is a national security crime.

Allegations of corruption by the Biden family have multiplied and new documents and witness statements have emerged, such as those of Tony Bubulinski, a former Hunter Biden collaborator, who handed over documents and computer material to the Senate.

Two days ago, Mark Meadows, head of the White House presidential team, told reporters that we will discover details about the illegal business of the Biden family in Romania very soon.

Bideni is also accused of obtaining large sums of money from business circles in China and Kazakhstan, using his political influence.

The new actions by the FBI, which has scheduled interrogations starting tomorrow, will bring up details on candidate Biden, although due to the very short time leading up to the election, it is unlikely that they will change any of the final results.

Among the American states there are, as before, states decided by one of the candidates, such as California, New York by Biden and Missouri, West Virginia, Kansas and Louisiana by the Republicans.

But in most of the “undecided” states the differences diminished reaching the limit of statistical errors (+/- 3-4%). Thus, Biden’s lead fell to 1.5% in Florida (after Rassmussen Trump leads by 4% in Florida) and the president now leads in polls in Arizona (+1), North Carolina (+1) and Ohio (+0, 6).

The dynamics of the poll change are in Trump’s favor, but these changes may come too late, at a time when the election results are already decided in the minds of voters “without a doubt.”

Who continues to vote in large numbers.

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MARTIN S. MARTIN (the official name, since 1990, of Martin Stefan Constantinescu) was born on September 28, 1942 in Bucharest. He was one of the most talented surgeons at the Fundeni Hospital Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic. He was part of the series of gold surgeons at this hospital, composed of Dan Setlacec, Eugen Proca, Mihai Stancescu, Ion Socoteanu, Gheorghe Olanescu, Ludovic Ionescu, Mihnea Ionescu etc. Despite his courage, recognized by colleagues and patients alike, Martin was expelled from the university. This abuse, the daily humiliation of life in Romania, the material and spiritual dissatisfaction determined him to leave the country permanently in the summer of 1985. He attended a medical congress in Athens, where he requested political asylum. Within a few months he arrived in the United States, where he specialized in cardiology and practiced interventional cardiology for nineteen years in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Together with Dr. Dora Petrila, he signed the book Fundeni Hospital. History and Destinations (Humanitas, 2004). He is also the author of the book America told a friend from Romania (Humanitas, 2012) and translated, in collaboration, Dr. Marius Barnard’s autobiographical volume (signed with Simon Norval) Key moments in a life in the service of good. Memories of a legendary surgeon (Humanitas, 2013).

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