“Am I nobody? I don’t agree to lie, I was the victim!” Petrescu criticized Minteuan + the real reason for leaving CFR


  • football club (Sunday, time 17:30, Digi Sport one)

  • Digi Sport Special (Sunday, time 19:30, Digi Sport 1)

Dan Petrescu, in a telephone intervention at Fotbal Club, criticized his former second and explained the real situation that led to the separation of Minteuan from the Romanian champion.

“Minteuan seemed like a victim in this conflict, but in fact, I am the victim. He promised to postpone the receipt of those bonuses, I managed to extend his contract for two years, I spoke with the owner. I went to Alin’s house, everything was fine And then, when he received the club’s paper to sign, he said that he did not agree with something like that, that he did not speak to anyone, and I am nobody?

Marian Copilu was unable to resolve this situation because she has some health issues, so I tried to deal with these issues.

I offered him a two-year contract, with 100,000 euros, but he said he did not agree to wait until June, because CFR Cluj always cheated on him. I’m going to train now, he has a contract until June 30, but the situation is not correct at all, the players did not take the money, but Minteuan did. I did not reply to Minteuan, what else can I tell him? I have never lied to second coaches and I never accept anyone who lies to me.

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I have nothing to blame Minteuan as a coach, he will continue to stay with me until his contract expires. The problem is that we all agreed to postpone the payments, only he did not agree. There was no problem giving up the money, just to postpone the payment. “Dan Petrescu explained for Digi Sport.

Alin Minteuan’s variant is different

Alin Minteuan, the cloak of bad weather coach at CFR Cluj and one of the Gruia group’s oldest employees, explained the reasons that led him to part ways with the champion.

Your ex second Dan Petrescu said he did not expect such a reaction from employers, in a pandemic. It all started with some broken promises.

“This is the first games starting in July 2019 and so far. I only received two or three bonuses, I don’t even know exactly. But that doesn’t matter.

There was a document in which our money is paid until February 15, 2020, a document that I registered with FRF. Of course, nothing happened on February 15, not even questioning whether it exceeded that deadline. No one told us anything, even though the months have passed.

I didn’t even call to ask for the money I deserved. And on Tuesday, April 28, they contacted me by phone, they did not even call me to speak face to face, as is normal, because anyway we would have kept the distance of two meters, to joke … This is for lack of respect ! My contract expires on June 30, 2020 “Minteuan said.

Tags: cfr cluj , cf. , dan petrescu , Cluj , Petrescu , alin minteuan , Minteuan
