Almost 80 Romanians working in a locality in Germany tested positive for the new coronavirus.


According to the Foreign Ministry (MFA), some 80 Romanians working for a meat processing company in the German city of Coesfeld, North Rhine-Westphalia, have tested positive for the new coronavirus.

The MFA establishes that, according to preliminary data obtained by a representative of the consular office in Bonn, who traveled to the region, 130 people who work in the company tested positive for COVID-19, and around 60% of the people evaluated Romanian citizens are positive, reports Agerpres.

The Romanian Ministry states that the health of the people in question is good, since they are isolated in a hotel unit provided by the employer. The MFA also emphasizes that all company employees work under an employment contract and receive health insurance.

According to the MFA, currently there is no concrete data on the citizenship of infected people, the total number of employees diagnosed with COVID-19 will be reported after centralizing the results of all tests performed.

At the same time, the MFA states that, so far, at the level of the Romanian Consulate General in Bonn, no requests for consular assistance have been received from Romanian citizens working for this company.

The Romanian Consulate General in Bonn maintains active contact with both local authorities and company representatives, and is prepared to provide the necessary consular assistance, within the legal powers and in strict compliance with the measures adopted by the authorities. premises in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The MFA reiterates that the Romanian diplomatic missions and consular offices abroad prioritize any request for support from Romanian citizens and take steps to resolve each situation, to the extent possible, in the context of the limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition, the Romanian Ministry recommends that Romanian citizens abroad and facing difficult situations, including cases where their rights are not respected, contact the nearest diplomatic mission or consular office.

Romanian citizens in the Federal Republic of Germany who need consular assistance can contact: Romanian Embassy in Berlin at the following telephone numbers: + 49 30 21239555; +49 30 21239514; +49 30 21239516; +49 160 157 9938 (emergency telephone number) or one of the Romanian consular offices in Germany: Romanian Consulate General in Bonn: +49 228 68 38 135; +49 228 68 38 211; +49 228 68 38 244; +49 228 68 38 254; +49 (0) 1735757585 (emergency phone); Romanian Consulate General in Munich: 0049 (0) 1631927011; 0049 (0) 1602087789; Romanian Consulate General in Stuttgart: (00 49) (0) 711 664 86 11; (00 49) (0) 711 664 86 12; (00 49) (0) 711 664 86 13; (00 49) (0) 711 664 86 14; (00 49) (0) 711664 86 15, (0049) (0) 1716813450 (emergency phone).

The AMF reiterates the firm recommendation addressed to Romanian citizens to inform themselves thoroughly before traveling abroad and, in case of traveling for professional activities, to consult the information published on the websites of the diplomatic mission and / or consular offices in the state of destination and pay more attention to the provisions of the employment contracts that would be concluded, especially in the specific conditions imposed by the current COVID-19 crisis.
