Almost 4% of the population has COVID-19 antibodies. We have little immunization


The Minister of Health, Nelu Tătaru, stated for Europa FM that only 3.87% of the almost 7,832 samples collected from people who were cured of COVID-19 have antibodies, and nationally, 6% of the population was immunized after of infection with the virus.

“The information tells me that the DSPs reported the collection of residual sera in the number of 12,901. Of these residual sera, 7,832 were processed at the INSP level, of which only 303 were positive, which gives an immunization rate of 3 , 87%.

The European average and the countries with the highest infection reported 5-6% immunization. For a step through the disease, we have a little immunization.

We have ongoing studies that show us that some of the subjects can produce antibodies in a large titer, others in a small titer, and others do not produce antibodies at all when going through the disease, ”stated the minister.

He also said that 178 million euros cost the COVID-19 tests that will take place in January next year.

“We are doing calculations to be able to recover this money in European projects and at the level of the Ministry of Health only our calculations and our evaluations on tests by the end of the year, including January next year, would include 178 million euros only tests,” he said. .

Editing: Alexandru Costea
