UPDATE 14.10 New deaths from coronavirus. The balance reaches 681
Deaths 676
87-year-old woman from Hunedoara County Nursing Home.
Date of admission: 22.04.2020.
Harvest date: 17.04.2020.
Result date: 04.21.2020.
Date of death: 04.29.2020.
Comorbidities: chronic kidney disease, non-dialysis, hypertension, mixed dementia, heart failure.
Deaths 677
Male, 88 years of Vâlcea County.
Hospitalization date: 04/14/2020 at the Râmnicu Vâlcea County Emergency Hospital.
Harvest date: 04/12/2020.
Result date: 13.04.2020.
Date of death: 04.29.2020.
Comorbidities: multiple history of stroke.
Contact with daughter and son-in-law, both confirmed cases.
Deaths 678
Woman, 76 years from Galati County, nursing home
Date of admission: 08.04.2020.
Harvest date: 06.04.2020.
Result date: 07.04.2020.
Date of death: 29. 04.2020.
Comorbidities: left hemiplegia, hypertension, cerebral hematoma, unbalanced diabetes, requiring insulin, Alzheimer’s dementia.
Deaths 679
78-year-old woman from Suceava County.
Date of admission: 03/30/2020.
Harvest date: 03.31.2020.
Result date: 02.04.2020.
Date of death: 04.28.2020.
Comorbidities: hypertension, class III heart failure, before admission acute bronchitis is diagnosed and treated at home under the supervision of MF.
Deaths 680
67-year-old man from Suceava County.
Date of admission: 18.04.2020.
Harvest date: 23.04.2020.
Result date: 24.04.2020.
Date of death: 04.28.2020.
Patient hospitalized for thrombophlebitis of the left leg, immobilized in bed for many years, with hypertension and morbid obesity.
Deaths 681
Woman, 52 years from Neamţ district – nurse.
Date of death: 23.04.2020.
Harvest date: 04.24.2020 – lung fragment.
Result date: 04.26.2020.
Nurse in the Department of Social Assistance of the City of Piatra Neamţ. He worked at DSP Neamţ and ISU Neamţ after the activities of the schools were suspended. He gathered no evidence. He had contact with positive cases.
Since 04/15/2020 he presented symptoms clinically compatible with acute cholecystitis, for which he contacted the family doctor.
On April 22, 2020, she has dyspnea, but she did not want to request 112.
On April 23, 2020, he died at his home.
Comorbidities: hypertension, diabetes, obesity.
UPDATE 13.10 Another 362 new cases of disease in Romania
To date, on April 29, in Romania, 11,978 cases of people infected with the COVID-19 virus (coronavirus) have been confirmed. Of the confirmed positive people, 3,569 were declared cured and discharged.
Since the last information sent by the Strategic Communication Group, another 362 new cases of disease have been registered.
At the moment, 247 patients are hospitalized in ATI.
So far, nationwide, 166,993 tests have been processed, including those reported on 04/28/2020 after 1:00 p.m.
Update 12.40. 12 other deaths from new coronavirus infection
47-year-old man from Suceava County.
Hospitalization date: 04.21.2020, at Suceava County Emergency Hospital.
Harvest date: 04/21/2020.
Confirmation date: 04/21/2020
Date of death: 04.27.2020.
Pre-existing medical conditions: chronic alcoholism, cortical atrophy, seizures.
Deaths 665
Man, 58 years from Suceava County.
Harvest date: 04.22.2020 (necropsy fragments).
Confirmation date: 04.27.2020
Date of death: 21.04.2020, at home.
Pre-existing medical conditions: hypertension, neglected type II diabetes.
He continued treatment at home on the recommendation of the family doctor from 04.15.2020, but refused to be hospitalized.
Deaths 666
Man, 53, from Suceava County.
Harvest date: 04/23/2020 (necroptic fragments).
Confirmation date: 04.27.2020, at INCDMM Cantacuzino.
Date of death: 22.04.2020, at home.
Pre-existing medical conditions: without.
Deaths 667
90 year old woman from Suceava County.
Harvest date: 04.10.2020.
Confirmation date: 12.04.2020.
Date of death: 04.27.2020.
The patient was diagnosed on 04.05.2020 with perforated gastric ulcer, hemoperitoneum, upper gastrointestinal bleeding and severe anemia; hospitalized on 06.04.2020 at Suceava County Emergency Hospital – ATI Section, then transferred to Rădăuţi Municipal Hospital on 04.17.2020.
Deaths 668
Man, 63 years from Suceava County
Harvest date: 23.04.2020.
Confirmation date: 04.28.2020 in INCDMM Cantacuzino (necroptic fragments).
Date of death: 22.04.2020.
Pre-existing medical conditions: chronic alcoholism.
Possible epidemiological connection to the son returned from England about a month ago (asymptomatic).
Deaths 669
63-year-old woman from Mehedinţi County.
Date of hospitalization: 04/25/2020, in the Oncology Department of the Drobeta Turnu Severin County Emergency Hospital with dg. at admission: unbalanced diabetes. Sdr.anemic.
Harvest date: 04.27.2020.
Confirmation date: 04.27.2020.
Date of death: 04.27.2020.
Pre-existing medical conditions: chronic kidney disease. Type II diabetes. HTA gr.II
Deaths 670
71 year old man from Galati County.
Start date: 15.04.2020.
Hospitalization date: 04/23/2020, at CFR Galati Hospital (support hospital), transferred on 04/27/2020 to the ATI Section of Galati County Clinical Emergency Hospital.
Harvest date: 04/15/2020.
Confirmation date: 04.22.2020 at Medlife.
Date of death: 04.28.2020
Pre-existing medical conditions: epilepsy. Atrial fibrillation with rapid AV. AVC. Dehydration syndrome. Acute kidney failure. Liver dysfunction
He comes from the home of the old people’s home “Sfântu Ilie” in Galaţi.
Deaths 671
Woman, 86 years from Bucharest.
Date of admission: 04.26.2020, at the Hospital Clinico Colentina (support hospital).
Harvest date: 04.22.2020.
Confirmation date: 04.23.2020 at INCDMM Cantacuzino.
Date of death: 04.28.2020.
Pre-existing medical conditions: mixed dementia. Ischemic heart disease. Atrial fibrillation Ulceration of decubitus in the sacral area.
It comes from the “Butterfly Solutions” nursing home in Bucharest.
Deaths 672
Man, 59 years from Bucharest.
Hospitalization date: 07.04.2020, at the University of Bucharest Emergency Hospital; transferred on 04.24.2020 to the Hospital Clinico Colentina (support hospital).
Harvest date: 23.04.2020.
Confirmation date: 04.24.2020 at the University of Bucharest Emergency Hospital.
Date of death: 04.28.2020.
Pre-existing medical conditions: colon neoplasm. Pancreatic neoplasia. Lung and liver metastases. Paraneoplastic ascites. Type II diabetes requiring insulin. HTA. Port venous thrombosis. Clostridium infection.
Deaths 673
Woman, 76 years from Bucharest.
Start date: 04/19/2020.
Hospitalization date: 04/19/2020, at the University of Bucharest Emergency Hospital; transferred on 04.20.2020 to Hospital Clinico Colentina (support hospital).
Harvest date: 04/20/2020.
Confirmation date: 20.04.2020 at the University of Bucharest Emergency Hospital.
Date of death: 04.28.2020.
Pre-existing medical conditions: right breast cancer. Radiotherapy in March 2020
Deaths 674
Woman, 86 years from Bucharest.
Start date: 15.04.2020.
Hospitalization date: 07.04.2020, at the University of Bucharest Emergency Hospital; transferred on 19.04.2020 to the Clinical Hospital for Infectious and Tropical Diseases “Victor Babeş” Bucharest.
Confirmation date: 18.04.2020 at INBI Matei Balş.
Date of death: 04.28.2020.
Pre-existing medical conditions: cardiovascular disease. HTA. Kidney disease cr. Normochromic anemia. Major neurosensitive disorder.
Deaths 675
62-year-old woman from Arad County.
Start date: 01.04.2020.
Hospitalization date: 04.04.2020, in the Infectious Diseases Department of Arad County Emergency Hospital, then transferred to ATI.
Harvest date: 04.04.2020.
Confirmation date: 04.04.2020 at DSP Arad.
Date of death: 04.28.2020.
Pre-existing medical conditions: hypertension gr.II. Ischemic heart disease cr. Waldenstrom’s disease. Severe thrombocytopenia
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