All Orban Cabinet ministers run in parliamentary elections, with two exceptions


All the cabinet ministers led by Ludovic Orban are running in the parliamentary elections on December 6, except for the Minister of European Funds, Marcel Boloş, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu. There are also several secretaries of state on the rosters.

“Among the ministers, all the ministers are candidates, with two exceptions: Mr. Marcel Boloş – he is a liberal, but he is a missionary priest and cannot hold the post of deputy, because he prefers to serve – and Mr. Aurescu, who is a career diplomat, where we do not do not argue. Otherwise, all ministers are candidates, “announced Ludovic Orban, after the meeting of the party leadership.

Ludovic Orban specified that the lists of candidates proposed by the county delegations were validated “almost unanimously.”

He specified that Defense Minister Nicolae Ciucă, whose registration in the party he had announced a little earlier, ranks 1st in the Senate of Dolj’s organization.

Also from Dolj, the Minister of Youth and Sports, Ionuţ Stroe, is running for the Chamber of Deputies.

In the organization in Bucharest, the list of the Chamber of Deputies opens it himself. Ludovic Orban, followed by Violet Alexandru, Minister of Labor. Also on the list Mara Mareș, the leader of the NLP youth organization. For the Senate, the list in Bucharest is opened by the Minister of Finance Florin Cîțu, followed by Sorin Câmpeanu, while the Minister of Education, Monica anisie, is in 3rd place.

And the Secretary General of the Government, Antonel Tănase, is a candidate in Bucharest.

After unsuccessfully running for local elections in Vrancea, the Minister of Development, Ionut Stefan, was placed at the top of the county organization list for the House of Deputies. The head of the Chancellery is also running in Vrancea, Ionel Dancă, second on the list.

Daniel Constantin, vice president of NLP, will run at the opening of the list in Argeş. Ludovic Orban stressed that Ponta and Tariceanu’s former ally played an important role in the government’s investment vote.

Ludovic Orban said that the objective of the NLP in the parliamentary elections is to win the elections, and a goal will be set at the national level, as well as one for each county branch.

Ludovic Orban also referred to those who are no longer on the lists either because they no longer have a candidate or because of the situation, thanking them and announcing that they will continue together. He said that in Ialomita, President Tinel Gheorghe, a former MP, resigned. There, Robert Chioveanu, President of ANSVSA and Secretary of State of the Ministry of Education Luminiţa Barcari open the lists for the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

“Therefore, they were also dissatisfied in Mureş and Brăila. I also tried to talk to those from places considered ineligible and told them that if they go to work, they have a chance to be elected,” Ludovic Orban said on Sunday morning. night, after the end of the National Bureau meeting.

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Editor: Luana Pavaluca
