Alis Grasu talks about the resignation of SABIF after the case …


Alis Grasu explained that SABIF has initiated an internal investigation to determine if the doctor who intervened at 3.00, the night of September 25 to 26, in the emergency call made from the home of Ioan Gyuri Pascu’s ex-wife “complied with the protocol “, after that, depending on the result, the necessary measures will be taken. “Everyone should know that a doctor’s acute medical act is their sole responsibility. They have the necessary skills to deal with the medical act. From an administrative point of view, I do everything humanly possible to respond to all requests with a Staff Shortage. 50% compared to the statistical population, not the real one. The requests are many. We try to prioritize as precisely as possible. In terms of means of intervention, the equipment is constantly repaired and verified so that medical personnel have something to do with their activity, “said Alis Grasu, on Antena 3.

The SABIF manager mentioned that he cannot analyze the way in which the doctor who diagnosed Ioan Gyuri Pascu with a “panic attack” did his job correctly, in the absence of the request form and the explanatory note: “I cannot judge a doctor until I also have his point of view, until you write me what happened in that case. The investigation began on Monday, tomorrow (Thursday, no.) We will have the result. Tonight the respective doctor is on call and will give us the note They do a lot of work and we try to use work time for administrative matters, not to call them in particular. “

Alis Grasu also said that on Thursday the Administrative Commission of Investigation within SABIF will meet and analyze the case of Ioan Guri Pascu, as well as any measures that may be necessary.

Regarding the fact that Alina Gorghiu, the NLP co-president, requested, among others, her resignation from the leadership of SABIF, Alis Grasu said: “If Ms. Gorghiu considers that my change will bring more personnel, more ambulances to the service of ambulance”. and have more staff, and existing staff would have more training and rest time, and therefore there would be no more mistakes and delays. If she thinks my resignation would solve these system problems, I have nothing against it. “
