Alexei Navalnîi to He was visited in prison by a local Kremlin television crew, Russia Today, led by journalist Maria Butina. The latter is famous after she was convicted of espionage in the United States in 2018, being released a year later. When he returned home, he enlisted in the propaganda machine of the Vladimir Putin regime.
This was also the purpose for which Maria Butina visited the Alexei Navalny prison. I wanted to show that, in fact, Alexei Navalny’s detention conditions in the IK-2 penal colony are very good, and the dissident lies when he complains about them. Maria Butina says that the place where Navalny is imprisoned looks more like an “exploration field” than a prison.
There would have been a harsh exchange of comments between the two. Maria Butina allegedly told him that the prison has the best conditions in Russia, in which Navalny would have called her a “servant of the thieves in power” and a speculator. The discussion was reported on Navalny’s Twitter account, which is managed by his communication team. A photo is also published in which María Butina looks angry, and the communication team wonders if the journalist will be punished for not wearing a mask, although it is mandatory.
Butina reportedly ended her visit to IK-2 by talking to other detainees who confirmed how good conditions are in the Russian penitentiary. For her part, María Butina wrote a book when she returned to Russia about the terrible conditions in the American prison, she recalls. The Washington Post.
Alexei Navalny is on a hunger strike, protesting lack of access to medical services and being subjected to “acts of torture” for sleep deprivation. He is serving a two-and-a-half-year sentence in a penitentiary 100 kilometers from Moscow. Vladimir Putin’s main opponent has lost 8 kilograms since he was imprisoned here in early March. In addition, he has severe back pain and says that he was denied a consultation with a specialist doctor.
After visiting him in prison on Thursday, Butina wrote on social media that Navalny appeared perfectly healthy and did not appear sleep deprived. In addition, he claims that a guard told him that Navalny is the one who refuses to be treated by a doctor. But he also confirms that he had a tougher exchange of comments with the dissident. “Do you know the difference between a sanitarium and a prison?” I would have asked the leader of the Russian opposition, he writes New York Times.
Editor: Luana Pavaluca