Alexandru Bodi’s ex-wife ALERT him about his statement in DIICOT – ‘He did not flee the country as DIICOT says’, says lawyer – News from sources


The lawyer of businessman Alexandru Bodi, Cătălin Dancu, held a press conference on Monday in which he tried to counter, with documents from the DIICOT file, but also personal ones, the accusations that the investigators made against his client.

It revealed that Alexandru Bodi’s ex-wife gave a statement to DIICOT and then had an argument with her ex-husband in which she told him what investigators wanted to know about her.

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The lawyer also shows that Alexandru Bodi had no reaction from those for whom DIICOT requested his preventive detention or for whose avoidance the judges motivated his preventive detention.

“I want to tell you that in the DIICOT file there are conversations between Alexandru Bodi and his ex-wife. His wife caught him treading with other girls in Europe.

The archive contains conversations about pure domestic conflicts. In fact, they got divorced for this specific reason. The problems that generally have personal scandals are not related to real limitations.

Bodi finally understood to provide a house for the good of the child, he transferred substantial sums to cover the personal needs of his ex-wife and son, “explained lawyer Dancu in relation to a question about a case initiated by Alexandru Bodi on the international kidnapping of minors. ..

Bodi’s ex-wife, the lawyer also explains, did not file a complaint and did not give a “victim” statement.

“His income from Spain and Germany can never lead to the idea that it was necessary for his ex-wife to be a prostitute because there is money in the house.

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Another argument, what pimp receives three thousand euros in five years and what type of business is this? ”Said lawyer Cătălin Dancu.

Another rhetoric is the following. If the ex-wife is a victim, if she was exploited by the pimp, the abuser, let’s say, how do we explain the open relationship between her and the ex-husband, the voluntary discussion about the DIICOT hearing and her understanding of this?

Alexandru Bodi did not feel guilty, that is why he had no reaction ”, the businessman’s lawyer also affirmed.

Detained in preventive detention for 30 days

Alex Bodi, the ex-husband of Bianca Dragusanu, was arrested for 30 days by the Dolj court. The decision is not final, but is enforceable and can be appealed to the Craiova Court of Appeal. Along with the controversial businessman, another 7 people were arrested.

Bodi was arrested on Wednesday night by DIICOT Craiova prosecutors for creating an organized criminal group, human trafficking and blackmail, in a case in which several thieves are accused of recruiting young women for prostitution to through the ‘loverboy’ method.

According to some judicial sources, Alex Bodi recruited several young women whom he forced into prostitution, and he was also charged with a crime of blackmail.

On Wednesday morning, DIICOT Craiova prosecutors, together with judicial police officers, carried out 23 house searches in Ilfov, Braşov, Dolj, Gorj, Giurgiu, Olt, Sibiu and Vâlcea counties, in a case aimed at to dismantle an organized criminal group. specialized in human trafficking and pimping.

One of the searches took place at Alex Bodi’s home, after which he was picked up by masked men and brought in for questioning.

According to a DIICOT statement, based on the existing data, it was established that shortly after the dismantling of a group specialized in human trafficking and pimping, led by a prominent member of the underworld, one of his “lieutenants” while in prison in a prison, between 2008 and 2011, together with three other detainees, they used social networks to recruit young women who practiced prostitution and, deceiving them, either with the promise of a common future (‘loverboy’ method), well identifying an advantageous job, respectively taking advantage of their state of vulnerability – precarious economic situation, naivety, lack of education -, they convinced them to prostitute themselves for their benefit.

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Under the coordination of the leader, the foundations were laid for a criminal group specialized, mainly, in human trafficking, child trafficking and pimping and, secondly, in blackmail, as a result of the payment of protection fees.

Shortly after leaving the penitentiary, 12 other suspects joined the criminal group, in addition to recruiting other victims, transporting them and housing them in the western states – Germany, Spain, Italy, Great Britain, Switzerland – and forced them to practice prostitution in his favor in various clubs. After being transported abroad, the young women who refused to prostitute themselves were kidnapped and subjected to extreme violence, including rape, in order to be determined not to resist, prosecutors say.

In most cases, the victims were kept in buildings rented by the group’s leader, transported daily to places where they were forced into prostitution, were constantly monitored and supervised, and the money was taken entirely by members of the group.

Cross border traffic

Research has shown that young women have been exploited mainly in discotheques or rented premises in Berlin, Bonn, Stuttgart and Frankfurt (Germany), but also in other European countries (Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Austria) .

Prosecutors allege that some young women were sold to other traffickers, the people who took them also received information about the victim, her behavior during the period in which she was exploited, information about the family, to be blackmailed, exploited and controlled more easily .

According to the DIICOT, there were also situations in which the perpetrators failed to control the victims, even after applying physical corrections, in which case, to prevent them from fleeing or returning to their homes in the country, they demanded various amounts of money. that the victims did not have the opportunity to pay, so they were forced to continue with the prostitution activity.

Much of the money obtained from the practice of prostitution was invested by the leader of the group in various buildings in the country and abroad.

On the other hand, the leader of this group used to charge protection fees to the victims for carrying out legal / illegal activities, “his lieutenants” used to resort to blackmail to collect them. Taxes were collected at festivals.
