Alert! The disease that millions of Romanians fear. A famous doctor tells the harsh truth


Many Romanians prefer not to come naturally to the rooms, because “the current is blowing us”. Dr. Mihai Craiu (photo) said that this is a deeply ingrained myth in popular belief, which, however, has no cover in reality.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Most people are frightened by drafts as a potential source of airborne infections and colds, from the simplest to pneumonia or otitis. Microbes cause these illnesses.

In principle, air currents have a really beneficial effect from a respiratory point of view, because they do not allow the accumulation of a concentration of inhalable particles – which we can see, by the way, dust, but also some things that we cannot see.

An unventilated room is more dangerous when it comes to reducing oxygen and increasing carbon dioxide than wearing a mask. In our country, as I said, we are afraid of the current, from public transport to classes and we keep the windows very well closed, even when it is hot ”, said the pediatrician, in Digi 24.

Cherecheș has the same opinion

And public health expert Răzvan Cherecheș, a professor in Cluj, drew attention, on Digi24, that there is a deep-rooted idea in the popular mindset that “the current affects our health, not to open the windows.”

“It is a myth of Romanian culture and is not based on anything at all. The current, in fact, if you have sinusitis, but we are talking about very rare cases, it is unpleasant to sit in cold air that moves fast, but for the rest of the population, the moving air is extremely, extremely healthy during this period. ” explained Răzvan Cherecheș. Poor ventilation in a crowded room, a situation that is likely to occur with cooling weather and the arrival of rains, will lead to a new spike in infections with the new coronavirus, he said.
