ALERT Students announce that they will postpone the start of classes: ‘It is inadmissible not to provide us with the minimum protection package’ – News from sources


Students consider it inadmissible to start school without receiving masks. “The school year will start with” yes “and” as if, “says the president of the National Student Council, adding that students are considering asking for the start of the school year to be postponed, if they only receive” assumptions. “

The National Council of Students expresses its disagreement with the evasive and uncertain statements of the authorities, that a few days before the start of the school year they do not communicate clear and concrete measures on returning to classes.

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According to a statement sent by students on Wednesday, President Klaus Iohannis stated: “I suspect that there are simply not enough funds for such a thing. (…) The teachers will wear the mask that they and the students will wear in the same way ”.

At the same time, the other day, Marian Murguleţ, Secretary of State responsible for Information Technologies within the General Secretariat of the Government, declared that “the 250,000 tablets necessary to go to the online education system will not reach schools until 10 September, so as proposed by the Government, since the bidding procedure was not managed efficiently.

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The National Council of Students indicates that the Government has adopted an Emergency Ordinance allocating 175 million euros to the purchase of materials to guarantee the safe start of the new school year.

However, this GEO is applicable from 2021, when the submission of reimbursement requests and the actual settlement of expenses to the local public authorities will be completed, according to an address sent to the local authorities by the Government.

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In addition, the students say, an order from the Minister of Health was published in the Official Gazette according to which schools that are not connected to drinking water can obtain their sanitary authorization by placing a water dispenser in the school.

“We observe, therefore, that the authorities are adapting the security measures to the school infrastructure, not the other way around, as they really should be. This practice was also confirmed in the joint draft of the Minister of Education and Research and the Minister of Health, which establishes the obligation to maintain a distance of 1 meter between students, although, until now, epidemiologists announced a minimum distance of 1, 5 meters. We consider that the measures presented so far by the authorities denote an acute lack of responsibility, given that the existence of sanitary materials for all students is vital, in the context of the beginning of the school year in physical format, in most localities of Romania. In a state educational system, which is, at least in theory, free, it is inadmissible that students do not have the minimum protection package for returning to school, given that the Emergency Ordinance mentioned above provides for the allocation of 50 million euros for the purchase of sanitary material in schools. At the same time, the lack of devices connected to the Internet, which the Ministry of Education and Research has promised to acquire since the beginning of summer, will directly lead to the deprivation of the right to education of thousands of students who cannot continue the educational path in online format ”, shows the National Council of Students.

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“The school year will start with yes and as if. For the moment, this is all we have received from the Romanian state: suspicions, assumptions and lack of commitment. If the situation continues in this way, we will request the postponement of the start of the school year , until the authorities take the opening of schools seriously and no longer mislead the safety of Romanian students, ”said Rareș Voicu, president of the National Student Council.
