Alert status in Romania: travel within the locality, allowed without declaration. Leaving the town, only for certain reasons / The terraces remain closed / Flights to Austria, France or Germany remain suspended / Those who return to the country are isolated at home, no matter where they come from – Coronavirus


Romania leaves the state of emergency at midnight, after 60 days and the alert state is established for 30 days. During this period, Romanians may move within the locality without a declaration at their own risk, but may leave the locality only for certain reasons, such as going to work or receiving treatment. In addition, the terraces, restaurants and bars remain closed, but shopping centers with an area of ​​up to 15,000 square meters and parks are opened, but not playgrounds. Flights to and from Italy, Spain, Germany or Corsica remain suspended and several border crossings remain closed. Those who return to the country have the obligation to isolate themselves in their homes, regardless of the countries where they come from.

The decisions were made at the first meeting of the National Committee for Emergency Situations and will be announced by the authorities from 23.15.

Starting at 11:15 p.m., after the CNSU meeting, at the MIA headquarters there are press statements from the Minister of the Interior, Marcel Vela, the Minister of Health, Nelu Tătaru and the Secretary of State of the Ministry of the Interior, Raed Arafat. will send livetext the main statements:

Marcel Vela:

  • In accordance with the normative acts, CNSU adopts this decision:
  • Article 1 – From May 15, 2020, a state of alert will be declared nationwide for a period of 30 days.
  • Article 2 – Prevention and control measures are established in the annex to this Decision
  • Article 3 – The rules for carrying out activities that do not require specific health protection measures shall be adopted by joint order of the Ministry of Health and the Minister with jurisdiction in the field.
  • Article 4 – For measures other than those provided for in Article 3, the public and central authorities issue regulatory acts and administrative acts in accordance with the competition rules and the fields of activity they manage
  • Article 5 – In application of the provisions on emergency medical reserves and some measures related to the establishment of quarantine, the Secretary of State, Head of the ESD, will order, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the necessary measures to combat infections by SARS-CoV-2
  • The decision will be published in the Official Gazette.

Raed Arafat, on the measures to be taken during the state of alert in Romania:

  • As of May 15, in commercial spaces, means of transport, work and other closed spaces it is mandatory to wear a mask.
  • Work from home and, if epidemiological classification measures cannot be taken, change the working hours of entities with more than 50 employees.
  • Institutions that work with the public take measures to organize the activity: a minimum area of ​​4 square meters for each person, not to allow access to people with a temperature above 37.3 degrees and to guarantee disinfection
  • Passenger transport operators comply with specific regulations.
  • The activity of restaurants, motels, pensions and terraces is suspended.
  • Activity is suspended in shopping malls with an area of ​​more than 15,000 square meters
  • Exceptions: sale of food, food, medical optics, cleaning and the activity of those who have access from abroad.
  • Flights to Austria, Italy, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, United States, Turkey, Iran and from these countries remain suspended.
  • Transport, intervention and humanitarian flights are exempt
  • International passenger road transport is suspended for all trips to Italy, France, Germany, Spain and Turkey until June 1. There are exceptions here too
  • The dental office activity resumes.
  • The activity resumes in external consultations: consultations only by appointment.
  • Home quarantine or isolation is established for all people coming from abroad
  • For those who do not have this possibility, it is possible to opt for institutionalized quarantine, assuming the costs of quarantine.
  • Starting tonight, those who arrive in the country are isolated at home, no matter where they come from.
  • Localities in quarantine and where quarantine was not collected remain under this restriction
  • Border points remain closed: Turnu, Salonta, Săcuieni, Valea lui Mihai (excluding freight traffic), Carei, Negru Vodă, Zimnicea, Turnu Măgurele, Bechet, Sighetu Marmației, Rădăuți Prut, Oancea, Porțile de Fier, Orșova, Dr , Tr Severin, Moldova Nouă, Naidpș, Stamora Moravița, Foeni, Jimbolia
  • From May 15, the movement of people is allowed avoiding groups of more than 3 people; no declaration required
  • Parks are open except for playgrounds.
  • Prohibition on traveling outside the locality, except: professional purpose, agricultural activities, care of other property, treatment, child / relative care, assistance to the elderly, death of a relative
  • Classes remain suspended in schools, after June 2 it is possible to prepare for students in terminal classes

Nelu Tătaru

  • Starting May 15, services will resume outside the church.
  • Hotels are opening and there will be rules
  • Opening of beauty salons – rules
  • The resumption of public transport imposes rules
  • Dental office patients with COVID will go to specially designated offices
  • There will also be rules for outpatient clinics in non-COVID hospitals
  • We are still in the process of developing a pathology and we should not lose it.
  • The moment of relaxation must be well managed
  • We will evaluate these relaxations after 14 days.


  • The main objective is to protect the health of the population. We should all be responsible

This afternoon, the first meeting of the National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSU) took place, established on Thursday by government order to manage the state of alert to be established in Romania and led by Prime Minister Ludovic Orban. The CNSU decides the measures to be taken during the period when Romania will be on alert due to the coronavirus.

President Klaus Iohannis said Thursday night that there is a legal framework under which measures will be taken in the state of alert that will take effect on Friday and that there is no legislative vacuum. He warned that lifting the state of emergency in Romania does not mean the end of the coronavirus epidemic and that, if the situation worsens and hospitals are crowded, it will not hesitate to restore the state of emergency.
