Alert status, changed again by parliamentarians. What shopping malls have been open since May 15?


The parliamentarians today modified, for the second time, the Government’s project to establish a state of alert. Therefore, starting May 15, you will be able to shop in shopping centers of less than 15,000 square meters. However, shopping malls like Afi Cotroceni and Băneasa Shopping Center remain closed because they have a much larger area than the limit established by law.

Art. 9. – (1) During the alert state, the activities of retail sale of products and services in the commercial centers where several economic operators carry out their activity can be suspended, with the agreement of CNSSU. (2) The measure provided in par. (1) Does not apply in the case of small shopping centers of less than 15,000 square meters, with individual stores within 500 square meters each.

The UDMR deputy who presented this proposal affirms that it is necessary, because in the province’s shopping centers people do not come to spend their free time, but only to make strictly necessary purchases, so there is no danger of infection.

At the same time, the UDMR deputy affirms that the commercial spaces in the province have small surfaces, are not crowded, and people spend between 10 and 30 minutes.

PNL came to the legal commission with an article by which the state of emergency would take effect immediately after the publication of the project in the Official Gazette. However, the current law does not allow it, since it is necessary to enter into force only three days after its publication in the Official Gazette of the project.

The deputies are debating at this time the last modifications introduced in the project to establish a state of emergency, after which in the end they will vote, decisively.

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