Alert state. Foreigners are not allowed in the country. Flight suspension, extended for 14 days.


The National Committee for Emergency Situations decided Thursday that, during the state of alert, the entry into the country of foreign citizens, as well as stateless persons, is prohibited.

Flights to various countries are suspended, as is international passenger transport. In addition, several border points remain closed.

“It is forbidden to enter Romanian territory, through state border crossings, of foreign citizens and stateless persons,” CNSU decided on Thursday night.

The following foreign citizens are excluded:

a) members of the family of Romanian citizens;
b) relatives of nationals of other EU Member States. or the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation, with residence in Romania;
c) persons in possession of a long-term visa, a residence permit or a document equivalent to the residence permit issued by the authorities, or a document equivalent to them issued by the authorities of other states, in accordance with the legislation of the EU;
d) people who travel in a professional interest, verified with a visa, residence permit or other equivalent document;
e) diplomatic or consular personnel, personnel of international organizations, military personnel or personnel who can provide humanitarian aid;
f) passengers in transit, including those repatriated as a result of the granting of consular protection;
g) passengers traveling for compelling reasons;
h) people who need international protection or for other humanitarian reasons.

CNSU also announced that the measure to suspend flights by economic aviation operators is being extended to Austria, Belgium, the Swiss Confederation, France, Germany, Iran, Italy, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Spain. , The United States of America, Turkey and Iran, and from these countries to Romania for all airports in Romania, for a period of 14 days, starting on 15.05.2020.

The following flight categories are excluded:

– carried out with state aircraft;
– freight and / or correspondence;
– humanitarian or emergency medical services;
– for search-rescue or intervention in emergency situations, at the request of a public authority in Romania;
– having as a purpose the transport of the technical intervention teams, at the request of the economic operators established in Romania;
– non-commercial technical landings;
– aircraft positioning, without commercial cargo (ferry);
– techniques for performing work on aircraft;
– Carried out by air carriers with an operating license in accordance with the regulations of the European Union, for irregular flights (charter), for the transport of temporary workers or for the repatriation of foreign citizens, from Romania to other states, with the approval the Romanian Civil Aviation Authority and the authority competent authorities of the destination State;

– flights by airlines holding an operating license in accordance with European Union regulations, for irregular flights (charter), from other states to Romania for the repatriation of Romanian citizens, with the approval of the Civil Aviation Authority Romanian, based on the agreement of the Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Foreign Affairs

– flights carried out by airlines that have an operating license in accordance with European Union regulations, through irregular flights (charter), for the transport of workers in the transport sector provided in annex no. 3 to the Communication on the implementation of Green Lanes under the Guidelines on border management measures to protect health and ensure the availability of essential goods and services – C (2020) 1897, of 23.03.2020, from Romania to others States and other states to Romania, with the approval of the Romanian Civil Aviation Authority, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the competent authority of the destination state.

“The international transport of people by road will be suspended by regular services, special regular services and occasional services in international traffic, for all trips made by transport operators to Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Swiss Confederation , the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Turkey and from these countries to Romania, until June 1, 2020 “, also established the UNSC.

Therefore, the authorities also maintain that the temporary closure, total or partial, of some state border points is maintained.

I. At the Romanian-Hungarian border:

1. Turnu, Arad County (except for the movement of cross-border workers);
2. Salonta, Bihor County: rail and road (except movement of cross-border road workers);
3. Săcuieni, Bihor County (except for the movement of cross-border workers);
4. Valea lui Mihai, Bihor county: rail and road (except for rail freight traffic);
5. Carei, Satu Mare County.

II On the Romanian-Bulgarian border:
1. Negru Vodă, Constanţa County;
2. Lipniţa, Constanţa County;
3. Dobromir, Constanţa County;
4. Zimnicea, Teleorman County;
5. Turnu Măgurele, Teleorman County;
6. Bechet, Dolj County (except for freight traffic).

III. On the Romanian-Ukrainian border:
1. Sighetu Marmatiei, Maramureş County;
2. Isaccea, Tulcea County.

IV. On the Romanian-Moldovan border:
1. Rădăuţi-Prut, Botoşani County;
2. Oancea, Galati County.

V. At the Romanian-Serbian border:
1. Iron Gates II, Mehedinti County;
2. Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Mehedinţi County (except for cargo traffic);
3. Orşova, Mehedinţi County;
4. Moldova Nouă, Caraş-Severin County;
5. Naidăş, Caraş-Severin County;
6. Vălcani, Timiş County;
7. Stamora-Moraviţa, Timiş district – railway (except freight traffic);
8. Lunga, Timiş County;
9. Foeni, Timiş County;
10. Jimbolia, Timiş County – rail (except for freight traffic).
