ALERT has passed Parliament: 20 RULES that will affect your daily life after May 15 – Source News


The law on measures that can be taken during the state of alert after May 15 approved the final vote in Parliament on Wednesday night. There were 267 votes in favor, 26 votes against and 5 abstentions in the Chamber of Deputies, for decision. The law will take effect 3 days after it appears in the Official Gazette. It is IMPORTANT to know that this law provides the legal framework, effective measures will be taken by the Government.

RTIRIPESURSE.RO presents you 20 provisions of the law with an impact on daily life:

one. Alertness cannot last more than 60 days.

“The state of alert is established by the Government by decision, at the proposal of the Minister of the Interior, and cannot exceed 30 days. The state of alert can be extended, for good reasons, for a maximum of 30 days, by decision of the Government to proposal of the Minister of the Interior “.

2. Alertness can be declared at the local, county, or national level.

When the alert is established in at least half of the country’s administrative-territorial units, the measure is subject to Parliament’s approval. If Parliament rejects the request for approval, the alert will cease immediately. Parliament can approve the measure taken by the Government in its entirety or with amendments.

3. The terraces can be opened and “small shopping malls of less than 15,000 square meters, with individual on-site stores of less than 500 square meters each, ”including shopping malls that meet these conditions.

4. The validity of the documents is extended.

The validity of documents issued by public institutions and authorities, as well as by private entities authorized by law, is maintained throughout the state of alert, as well as for a period of 90 days from the end of this state. The exception is evidence of replacement of driver’s licenses with the right to drive, where only the validity of those issued in accordance with article 111 par. (1) letter b) paragraph (4) or paragraph (5) of the Government Emergency Ordinance No. 195/2002 on traffic on public roads, with subsequent amendments and terminations, throughout the alert period, as well as for a period of 10 days from the end of this condition. For the same period, the validity of the extension of the right of movement ordered by the prosecutor or the court in accordance with article 111, paragraph (6) of the government emergency Ordinance no. 195/2002, republished, with subsequent amendments and terminations

5. Quarantine and isolation in the home are allowed

The measures to guarantee the resilience of the communities are: a) the temporary evacuation of people and properties from the affected or possibly affected area; b) grant basic needs to affected people and animals; c) carry out the works for the emergency modification of the environment and infrastructure, established by the intervention forces to stop or limit the effects of the emergency situation; d) measures to protect life and limit the effects of the type of risk produced in people’s health, including the establishment of quarantine or isolation in the home

6. Concerts and services in closed spaces may be prohibited.: It is allowed by law ‘(…) Restriction or prohibition of the organization and celebration of demonstrations, demonstrations, processions, concerts or other type of meetings, in open spaces, as well as meetings of the nature of cultural, scientific activities, artistic, religious, sports or leisure activities indoors “

7. Traffic bans can be introduced in this way:

  • restrict or prohibit the movement of people and vehicles in the places and, when appropriate, within the established deadlines
  • prohibition to leave established areas and, when appropriate, within established time bands or quarantine of buildings, localities or geographic areas
  • restrict or prohibit operators from transporting by road, rail, sea, river, air or subway on routes and, where appropriate, within established time intervals
  • temporary closure of state border crossings
  • limitation or suspension for a fixed period of activity of some institutions or economic operators
  • participation of citizens and economic operators in some activities for the benefit of local communities

8. You can open those stores in shopping malls that have direct access from abroad

They are allowed (…) “the activity carried out by economic operators within shopping malls that have access provided directly from outside the facilities and communication with the rest of the complex is interrupted.”

9 9. May open: agri-food stores, pharmacies, dental offices, clothes cleaners and personal care centers, medical optics stores.

10) Customers are required to wear a protective mask at all of the above locations.

11. Some employees may be sent / Rest may be interrupted:

  • During the alert, depending on the specific details of the activity and the needs, the heads of the public institutions involved in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, can order the service commission with the prior consent of the employee and the secondary employer. , provided that the employer to whom the commission is made is in the same field of activity
  • During alertness, the employer may order, with the employee’s consent, teleworking or work at home, change of job or duties.
  • During the alert state, depending on the details of the activity and the needs, the heads of the public institutions involved in the fight against the pandemic, COVID-19, as well as its effects, can unilaterally order the interruption of the rest license. , additional, unpaid rest, studies and for the professional training of the employed personnel and the resumption of the activity for their own personnel.
  • Managers of residential centers for the care and assistance of the elderly, residential centers for children and adults, with and without disabilities, as well as for other vulnerable categories, provided in the Nomenclature of social services, as well as the framework regulations for the organization and operation of social services, approved by Government Decision no. 867/2015, with subsequent amendments and terminations, have the obligation to guarantee the measures of continuity of activity during the state of alert, having the right to establish the work schedule of employees, in accordance with the law

12. Validity of collective labor agreements and collective labor agreements. it extends during the alert state, as well as for a period of 90 days from its termination. In the case of collective labor agreements and agreements, the parties have the obligation to initiate collective bargaining within 45 days after the end of the alert state, in accordance with the law.

13. Employees at technical unemployment continue to receive 75% of salary, but no later than December 31, 2020

14. During the alert state, the provisions of Law No. 19/2020 on the granting of some days off for parents to supervise their children, with subsequent modifications and terminations, in the event of temporary closure of schools, will apply until the end of the school year

fifteen. During the alert state, is prohibited declaration, initiation or development of collective labor conflicts in the units of the national energy system, in the operating units of the nuclear sectors, in the units with continuous fire, in the health and social, telecommunications, radio and television units public, in the road transport railways, in the units that ensure public transport and sanitation of the towns, as well as the supply of gas, electricity, heating and water to the population.

sixteen. At train, plane, subway, public transport Restrictions and measures can be imposed on passengers and the degree of occupancy can be determined.

17. online licensing exam

During alertness, as well as throughout the academic year 2019-2020, higher education institutions in the national educational system, based on university autonomy and respecting the quality of teaching, can use alternative teaching methods teaching – learning – assessment, in online format, in accordance with Government Emergency Ordinance n. ° 58/2020 on the adoption of measures for the proper functioning of the educational system. In addition, final exams for undergraduate, master’s or postgraduate study programs, defense of doctoral theses, defense of habilitation theses can be conducted online.

18 years. The Csports, training and sports competitions, as well as access to sports bases or spaces where sports activities are carried out, will be carried out under the conditions established by joint order of the Minister of Youth and Sports and the Minister of Health, based on the decision of the CNSSU.

19) During alertness Local authorities have an obligation to guarantee citizens’ access to outdoor sports. in parks

20. During alertness, activity institutions of museums, libraries, bookstores, cinemas, film and audiovisual production studios, performance and / or concert institutions, cultural centers and / or homes and other cultural institutions, as well as outdoor cultural events and public festivals and private in accordance with the regulations that provide for health protection measures established by joint order of the Minister of Culture and the Minister of Health. In the event of non-compliance with sanitary protection measures, the aforementioned activities may be suspended by the CNSSU decision for a specified period.
