Alarming increase in the number of deaths in Spain in 24 hours. In Madrid a state of alert was issued


The Spanish Ministry of Health announced this Friday that in the last 24 hours there were 241 deaths associated with the new coronavirus, almost double the 126 deaths registered on Thursday, while the number of new infections reached 12,788, more than a year. a third of them, more precisely 37.6%, are in the Community of Madrid, reports Agerpres.

Given this explosion in the number of COVID-19 cases in the Madrid capital region, the Spanish central government On Friday it issued a state of alert in this city and in several neighboring towns to be able to apply the partial closure, which the justice had canceled the day before following a complaint from the regional government.

This state of alert, which is equivalent to the state of health emergency, entered into force on Friday with immediate effect for a period of 15 days, as reported by the Spanish Minister of Health, Salvador Illa. “We must take measures to protect the health of Madrid” and prevent an explosion of coronavirus cases from spreading to the rest of the country, explained the Spanish official.

The police forces and the Civil Guard will be deployed on the main roads to control the entrances and exits of the capital.

War between the central government (left) and the regional government in Madrid (right)

The decision of the government headed by the socialist Pedro Sánchez was made despite stubborn opposition from the Madrid regional government, led by the conservative opposition.

After the Sánchez government decided last Friday to prohibit the entry and exit of the towns, the regional government chaired by Isabel Díaz Ayuso went to court and this Thursday obtained the nullity of the measure, invoking the principle that, by virtue of of their status as autonomous communities, the Spanish regions make their own health decisions and prevent the spread of diseases.

Therefore, the solution now found by Prime Minister Sánchez to impose these restrictions, however, was to issue a state of alert.

The government was forced to act because “the president of the autonomous community of Madrid has decided not to do anything,” Minister Salvador Illa said on Friday of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who tried in vain to persuade the central government not to issue a state alert.

Fines must be confirmed by the court

However, the police will not be able to impose fines on offenders without a judicial decision, according to the ruling of the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM) this Thursday after the complaint made by the regional government.

The new restrictions do not provide for strict isolation, as happened in the spring, but freedom of movement is considerably reduced, since Madrid and other affected cities can only leave these towns in certain specific situations, such as going to work, going to the doctor. , at school or to respond to a legal subpoena.

Spain ranks fifth in the world with more than 890,000 cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection since the start of the pandemic, while the number of deaths is close to 33,000 (eighth in the world).

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
