Alarm signal about the abolition of history and geography in schools. How the two disciplines are renamed


Florinel Agafiţei, history teacher and renowned writer at Focşani, says that in the teacher mobility methodology for the 2021/2022 school year they disappeared as independent disciplines such as History and Geography, which are included in the name of Social Studies.

The Focsani professor assures that after years of reducing the hours of these subjects, the ground is now being prepared for administrative measures, which means, in the near future, that a teacher will teach more subjects, with the effect of eliminating some of the educational system. , based on the adoption of an appropriate framework plan to merge the various sciences.

“What do you do when, in the midst of social upheaval, certain people take the name of millenary science from school subjects: History?

And do they stack it together with others, called, together, Social Sciences?

What’s more: what do you do when you notice how others, less numerous, maintain this right, calling themselves, say, the discipline their children study, History of Minorities and Traditions of that minority? You realize how the History of Romanians merges into the vast agglomeration of Social Sciences and you wonder why … You also wonder when it comes to geography, but not only ”, says Professor Florinel Agafiţei.

The Vrancea professor believes that he wants to significantly reduce the endowment of individual knowledge, “creating the new man”, focusing on certain niches such as computing, banking, sports to the detriment of the arts, literature, history, geography, etc.

And, as in the case of the Pitesti Phenomenon, we proved to be more inventive than the Soviets with their gulag in terms of the harm done to their fellow men, so it is now; a world where education is not even taken into account, not considered as important as justice or finance, (they say, today’s politicians) are taking the most dire measures …

I, as the Romanian ethnic majority, numerically, etc., and as a history teacher, I feel discriminated when I see that minorities can say that they have their history, of ethnic minorities, and I can only say that the discipline of History no longer knows mentions. individually in the documents issued by the ministry, but placed under the sign of the Social Sciences, along with other Cinderellas …

Also, and more in spirit, I think of John Stuart Mill who spoke of the tyranny of the majority, wondering if it is not possible to speak of a tyranny of the minority, when some are “more equal than others”, conserving their rights. uninterrupted and even more than that, “says Florinel Agafiţei.

Finally, the Vrancea professor gives the example of Japan, a country devastated by earthquakes, tsunamis, terrible wars and atomic bombs, lacking in natural resources, which rose after 1945 just for education, calling on state leaders to follow the Romanian model from Spiru Haret. , which paid off when applied.

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