Against Violeta Alexandru-Vlad Voiculescu: Official statements such as “I don’t trust the numbers” increase concern / The “innovative” way in which incidence was calculated before the elections raised questions for me – Essential


Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu accuses the “innovative way” and “fireworks” carried out before the elections regarding the calculation of official figures related to the pandemic. This is how he responds to the leader of NLP Bucharest, the former minister Violeta Alexandru, who said that “official / political statements such as> not only does it not help, but it raises concerns “.

Violeta Alexandru published, on Facebook, a message in which she secretly attacks Vlad Voiculescu, referring to his statements of mistrust in the official figures reported on the pandemic.

  • “What is the tension in Bucharest for a few days since the number of Covid cases increased, the credibility of the person making statements and, of course, what they declare matters a lot. Anyway, a lot of people declare themselves in Bucharest. I admit that I already select, I listen to people I trust because I look at their experience.
  • Official / political statements like: I don’t trust the numbers / the numbers are different, things could evolve this way or vice versa (without stating the arguments), I will do what I want to show that I can, not only that it does not help, but it generates concern. A city so concerned is a city whose efficiency is declining.
  • I say this because I answer the phone / messages every day, especially people without jobs, people who have nothing to avoid, they tell me exactly how they feel. Honestly, it is my biggest gain since I decided to get involved in political life, ”wrote the leader of NLP Bucharest on Facebook.

Health Minister Vlad Voiculescu reacted and responded, also on Facebook, stating that trust is built only by telling the truth. It affirms the “innovative way” and the “fireworks” carried out before the elections to calculate the official figures related to the pandemic.

  • “Dear Violeta, we need to build trust and we will only succeed if we always tell the truth. The “innovative” way in which incidence was calculated before the elections raised a few questions for me:
  • 1) the outbreak figures were removed from the calculation; nowhere in Europe has this been done;
  • 2) of the calculation of the incidence at 14 days, about two days were “lost”.
  • These are the “fireworks” of last year that I discovered with surprise and more than that.
  • Until we talk about how we communicate, what we communicate should be as close to the truth as possible. It matters, especially in situations like this. Otherwise, we steal the hat by lying to ourselves.
  • I guess you weren’t aware of the previous “innovations”. This may explain why I said the other day that “the numbers are different,” wrote the Health Minister.